Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT ACHAREI by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage contained within the SIDRAH, it is written, “HASHEM spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the  Children of Israel and say to them: I am HASHEM, your God. Do not perform the practice of the land of Egypt in which you dwelled; and do not perform the practice of the land of Canaan to which I bring you, and do not follow their traditions. Carry out My laws and safeguard My decrees to follow them; I am HASHEM, your God. You shall observe My decrees and My laws which man shall carry out and by which he shall live - I am HASHEM.”(Leviticus 18:1-5) The Jewish People have been CHOSEN by ECHAD to fulfill our CORPORATE PURPOSE of being TIKKUN OLAM. TIKKUN OLAM is an IVRI transliteration indicative of the concept of REPAIRING OLAM (the world). In other words, the concept of the Jewish People being chosen is one that reflects that we have been given a DIVINE PREDETERMINED PURPOSE that gives rise to being a CO-LABORER with ECHAD in the COMPLETION of CREATION.

In the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, the COMPLETION of CREATION has to do with the MANIFESTATION of the CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES of ECHAD in all things. Not only is this a reference to a NEW CIVILIZATION but also to a CIVILIZATION that will REFLECT the IDEALS of SHAMAYIM (heaven). These IDEALS embrace such concepts as an END to ALL WARS, SICKNESS, DIS-EASE, ABJECT POVERTY, DEATH, and the LIKE. Yea, the NAVI Joel beheld in a PROPHETIC VISION that an ARMY would come, whose like has not been, and once It’s PURPOSE is PERFORMED, will never be again. Read Joel 2:1-11. No doubt, this is a REFLECTION of the Jewish People who will effect this by TEACHING TORAH from a SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE that gives rise to the end of ALL WARS.

The instructions that are given in the SIDRAH sounding an ADMONITION against mixing the INSTRUCTIONS of TORAH with other TRADITIONS are to AID in ELIMINATING the WATERED DOWN EFFECT. In other words, mixing other traditions with TORAH limits Its POTENTIAL to produce HEAVEN ON EARTH. On the other hand, the TEACHING of TORAH from the PERSPECTIVE of the SPIRIT (RUWACH) is destined to have the profound effect in AIDING humanity in making a QUANTUM leap into Its next EVOLUTIONARY state, which is termed the INFOLDMENT. The INFOLDMENT is the MANIFESTATION of ECHAD in the PHYSICAL and MENTAL BODIES, whereas OLAM, that is, the world of CONTRAST, is cultivated in a way that gives rise to the REVELATION of GLORY. The NAVI Isaiah beheld that when the PERSPECTIVE is effected by other traditions, the result is ADVERSE, he wrote, “But they rebelled and distressed His Holy Spirit; so He changed toward them into an enemy: He fought with them. They then remembered the days of old, of Moses with His people: Where is the One Who brought them out of the Sea together with the shepherds of His flock? Where is the One Who infused His Holy Spirit in their midst?” (Isaiah 63:10,11) To fill the purpose of TIKKUN OLAM, the Jewish People are destined to observe and teach TORAH from the PERSPECTIVE of the Holy Spirit in pursuit of the INFOLDMENT, that is, the COMPLETION of OLAM, that is destined to engender the GLORY (KABOD) of the CONCEALED.

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Friday, April 28, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT ACHAREI by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “HASHEM spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to AARON and to his sons and to all the Children of Israel, and say to them: This is the matter that HASHEM has commanded saying: Any man from the House of Israel who will slaughter an ox, a sheep, or a goat in the camp, or who will slaughter outside the camp, and has not brought it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to bring it as an offering to HASHEM before the Tabernacle of HASHEM - it shall be considered as bloodshed for that man, he has shed blood, and that man shall be cut off from the midst of his people.” (Leviticus 17:1-4) In this REVELATION, it is disclosed to the NAVI MOSHE INSTRUCTIONS on the execution of SERVICES outside the TABERNACLE. According to RASHI and SIFRA, the reference is to ANIMALS that have been consecrated as offerings and it commands that their service must be performed in the SANCTUARY. The question is, “To what purpose are these instructions concerning SERVICE OUTSIDE THE TABERNACLE?”

ECHAD is a G-d of BALANCE. This is indicative in the NATURE of the UNIVERSE OF BECOMING. The NATURE of the UNIVERSE of BECOMING is ONE of CONTRAST, such as, LIGHT and DARK, GOOD and EVIL, COLD and HOT, and the like. To MAINTAIN the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, there is a rhythmic SWING. The rhythmic swing is a CONSCIOUS swing from one extreme to the OTHER. The RHYTHMIC SWING occurs to bring BALANCE to the UNIVERSE to AID in the process of BECOMING, thus creating the “BALANCE” of “POWER.” The POWER is ECHAD.

Therefore the INSTRUCTIONS that are given for the SERVICE OUTSIDE THE TABERNACLE serve as an analogy to illustrate that we are given POWER, i.e. the AUTHORITY to INFLUENCE thought, opinion and behavior not for the PURPOSE of LORDING over one ANOTHER, yea, we are to dominate THINGS not PEOPLE, but for the PURPOSE of bringing BALANCE to our SPHERE of AUTHORITY.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by placing our focus upon the title of the PARASHAT, “ACHAREI.” The Hebrew (IVRI) transliteration ACHAREI is translated into the English term “AFTER.” In particular, TORAH employs the term to connect the events of the DEATH of AARON’S two sons and the High Holy Day, “YOM KIPPUR.” It is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses after the death of AARON’S two sons, when they approached before HASHEM, and they died. And HASHEM said to Moses: Speak to AARON, your brother - he shall not come at all times into the Sanctuary, within the Curtain, in front of the Cover that is upon the ARK, so that he should not die; for in a cloud will I appear upon the ARK-cover.” (Leviticus 16:1,2)  The sages have declared that the PURPOSE of TORAH bringing these two SCENARIOS together, that is, the DEATH OF AARON’S TWO SONS and the YOM KIPPUR SERVICE, is that both events give rise to the experience of ATONEMENT. It is believed that whenever a righteous person TRANSITIONS (DIES) that ATONEMENT may occur for the SURVIVORS in the PHYSICAL REALM. Likewise, ECHAD ESTABLISHED YOM KPUUR as a day of ATONEMENT for the Jewish People.

The word ATONEMENT is indicative of ASCENDING INTO A CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d. It is the GOAL of the INFOLDMENT of the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. This union with ECHAD is first to be REALIZED on the MENTAL LEVEL and when focused upon is ACTUALIZED in the PHYSICAL LEVEL. The ACTUALIZATION of a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d on the PHYSICAL LEVEL is MANIFEST as KNOWLEDGE, EXISTENCE and BLISS, yea, the ATONEMENT is not merely restoration but is destined to AID in making the QUANTUM LEAP into the next EVOLUTIONARY STEP to be experienced by those who are undergoing the human conscious experience. The question is, “How does the transition of a TZADIK (righteous man/woman) effect ATONEMENT in the SURVIVORS?”

Whenever TRANSITION is experienced, the following occurs, it is written, “… so man goes to his eternal home, while the mourners go about the streets. Before the silver cord snaps, and the golden bowl is shattered and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel is smashed at the pit. Thus the dust returns to the ground, as it was, and the spirit returns to God Who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:5b-7) In this disclosure, it is revealed that the SPIRIT of those who TRANSITION, which lives forever, returns to G-d. In other words, wherever G-d is, the SPIRIT that transitioned is also there.

The EMET that wherever G-d is, the SPIRIT that has undergone TRANSITION is there, gives rise to experiencing the SPIRIT. G-d dwells in the HEART of HIS PEOPLE. Thus in the HEART where G-d dwells, the SPIRIT that has undergone separation from the DUST is also there. When the transition of a TZADIK occurs, the SPIRITUAL ATTRIBUTES return to G-d. These attributes can be ACCESSED by the SURVIVORS in the heart. Thus through the DISCIPLINE of INTROSPECTION, the SURVIVORS can draw from the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the TZADIK that is a SPIRITUAL ATTRIBUTE. By ACCESSING the ATTRIBUTE at the MENTAL LEVEL, what is realized can be actualized at the PHYSICAL LEVEL.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT METZORA by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “You shall separate the Children of Israel from their contamination; and they shall not die as a result of their  contamination if they contaminate My Tabernacle that is among them.” (Leviticus 15:31) In this passage of TORAH, it is disclosed as to WHY the laws on how to handle CONTAMINATION among BENEI YISRAEL were given, yea, it was to prevent the DEATH of the CONTAMINATED when coming into CONTACT with the MISHKAN (Tabernacle).

The Tabernacle (MISHKAN) was the result of HASHEM instructing the NAVI Moshe on how to construct that which would MANIFEST the SHEKINAH, that is, DIVINE PRESENCE. Without a doubt, this discloses that the MARRIAGE of CONTAMINATION to DIVINE PRESENCE is the formula for DESTRUCTION. Therefore instructions were given on PURIFICATION when CONTAMINATION occurs.

The coming together of CONTAMINATION and DIVINE PRESENCE can also occur on the MENTAL LEVEL. Since the law is PRINCIPLE, it applies to all levels, and when failed to observe, will engender the SAME EFFECT. 

As Jews, we have been chosen to UNDERGO the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP in order to MANIFEST the CONCEALED ASPECT of G-d that is hidden within. It is written, “Behold, I refine you, but not like silver; I have chosen for you the crucible of hardship. For My sake, for My sake I will do it…” (Isaiah 48:10,11a) This prophetic utterance is a revelation that the CRUCIBLE (which is a melting pot for metals) of HARDSHIP is an analogy of the experience that G-d has chosen for the JEWISH PEOPLE to aid in the BIRTHING of UNLIMITED POTENTIAL.

When the fire is turned up on the MENTAL LEVEL of one who is undergoing the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP, the discharge of CONTAMINATION may occur. Examples of the DISCHARGE of CONTAMINATION would be such things as COMPLAINING, BLAME SHIFTING, and the like. If the DISCHARGE is allowed to co-exist with the MANIFESTATION of G-d’s CONCEALED PRESENCE, destruction will occur. Therefore under such conditions, REPENTANCE (TESHUVAH) will give rise to PURIFICATION.

Thus be MINDFUL in the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP, that the Jew is destined to bring forth the MANIFESTATION of DIVINE PRESENCE being cleansed from CONTAMINATION that may be a result of the BIRTHING.

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Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT METZORA by placing our ATTENTION on the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: When you arrive in the land of Canaan that I give you as a possession, and I will place a TZARAAS affliction upon a house in the land of your possession; the one to whom the house belongs shall come and declare to the KOHEN, saying: Something like an affliction has appeared to me in the house. The Kohen shall command; and they shall clear the house before the Kohen comes to look at the affliction, and afterward shall the Kohen come to look at the house.” (Leviticus 14:33-36) In this passage of TORAH, instructions are given to the NAVI Moshe who conveyed them to the KOHEN GADOL AARON concerning how to handle the TZARAAS AFFLICTION that has been placed upon a house once BENEI YISRAEL has entered into ERETZ YISRAEL. No doubt that after the Jewish People enter the PROMISELAND, the TENDENCY to SLANDER and speak words of INSUBORDINATION against DIVINE PROTOCOL will remain. It is further disclosed that the oversight of the UNITY of the Jewish People will REMAIN in the hands of the KOHANIM.

The OVERSIGHT of the UNITY of the Jewish People remaining in the hands of the KOHANIM discloses that the UNITY to be embodied by the Jew is SPIRITUAL in NATURE. In the world of CONTRAST, unity exists at lower levels of Consciousness. It exists in forms that may be labeled GOOD (TOV) and BAD (RA). The UNITY that is to be DEMONSTRATED by the JEWISH PEOPLE is neither. The Unity is to be a THIRD, that is, of a HIGHER LEVEL that gives rise to the MANIFESTATION of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. This EMET (truth) is substantiated in the PROPHECY of Ezekiel who wrote, “Thus said the Lord HASHEM/ELOHIM: behold, I am taking the wood of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his comrades and I am placing them and him together with the wood of Judah: and I will make them into one piece of wood, and they will become one in My hand.” (Ezekiel 37:19) In this passage, it is revealed that ECHAD will UNIFY the JEWISH PEOPLE that we might MANIFEST as those who DEMONSTRATE His authority. To aid in the UNFOLDMENT of this VISION, the KOHANIM are EMPLOYED to work in CONCERT WITH DIVINE JUDGMENT to root out any and all things that may engender DISUNITY.

In this SEASON, there is an INFOLDMENT that has begun, whereas the MANY are BECOMING ONE. It is the KOHANIM that will aid in the INFOLDMENT as we seek to ELIMINATE the DISUNITY among our People both INDIVIDUALLY and CORPORATELY.

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Sunday, April 23, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by placing our focus upon the interpretation of the IVRI transliteration METZORA. The term METZORA is descriptive of one who was afflicted with TZARAAS that seeks to undergo purification.

It was disclosed in the previous PARASHAT TAZRIA that TZARAAS is the effect of SLANDER and speaking against DIVINE PROTOCOL. It was the responsibility of the KOHANIM to diagnose the DISEASE and to QUARANTINE those who tested POSITIVE. Since those who tested POSITIVE were QUARANTINED outside the camp, the possibility to SPREAD was MINIMIZED. If allowed to spread, the result would be DI-VISION, that is, the dividing of the G-d given VISION. The METZORA is one who had suffered from the MALADY of the result of SLANDER and INSUBORDINATION after undergoing the TREATMENT seeking PURIFICATION. The PURIFICATION required undergoing 3 stages.

In the SIDRAH, we learn that it is the responsibility of the KOHANIM (PRIESTHOOD) to oversee the PROCESS of RESTORATION. This EMET (truth) is both at a PHYSICAL and MENTAL LEVEL. The principle declares that to PURIFY in TIME, it must first occur in the MIND. SLANDER and INSUBORDINATION against DIVINE PROTOCOL begins in the MIND. Thus the PURIFICATION of the MIND must be that of REFINEMENT. The REFINEMENT will give rise to it reflecting PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS.

PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS is descriptive of a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD. The union commences as REALIZATION. REALIZATION may be described as the AWARENESS that SOUL is an INDIVIDUALIZED aspect of ECHAD. The experience of REALIZATION is to be followed by ACTUALIZATION, that is, the MANIFESTATION of the CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD in the PHYSICAL BODY.

Discerning the PRINCIPLES revealed in the three STAGES of PURIFICATION enable dealing with the DISEASE in HIGHER PERSPECTIVES, whereas the KOHANIM are able to EFFECT the PROCESS of PURIFICATION in those who only MANIFEST TZARAAS at the MENTAL LEVEL. The time has come where the Jewish People must cast off the restraints that create DISUNITY and through SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP ESTABLISH UNITY. We are destined to become ONE in ECHAD’S HAND.

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Friday, April 21, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TAZRIA by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “And the person with TZARS in whom there is affliction - his garments shall be rent, the hair of his head shall be unshorn, and he shall cloak himself up to his lips; he is to call out: Contaminated, contaminated! All the days that the affection is upon him he shall remain contaminated; he is contaminated. He shall dwell in isolation; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.” (Leviticus 13:45,46) In this passage of TORAH, we are given the instructions that are to be effected by an individual that has been diagnosed by the KOHEN (priest) as to be CONTAMINATED with the affliction TZARAAS.

We live in a UNIVERSE of CAUSE and EFFECT. It is disclosed that the CAUSE of TZARAAS is SLANDER along with opposing DIVINE PROTOCOL. It is written, “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses regarding the Cushite woman he had married, for he had married a Cushite woman.” (Numbers 12:1) In this passage, we are able to discern that Miriam and Aaron spoke AGAINST Moshe. This speaking against Moshe is what is termed SLANDER. The fact that MIRIAM is mentioned first suggests that she initiated the SLANDER. It is further disclosed, “They said, Was it only to Moses that HaShem spoke? Did he not speak to us, as well?” (Numbers 12:2) In this disclosure, it is revealed that they believed themselves to be equal in authority with MOSHE. This is what is termed speaking against DIVINE PROTOCOL.

The EFFECT of speaking SLANDER and against DIVINE PROTOCOL is described in the following way, it is written, “The wrath of HASHEM flared up against them, and He left. The cloud had departed from atop the Tent, and behold! Miriam was afflicted with TZARAAS, like snow! Aaron turned to MIRIAM and behold! she was afflicted with TZARAAS.” (Numbers 12:9,10) It is evident from this record that MIRIAM being AFFLICTED with TZARAAS is indicative that she initiated the SLANDER, speaking against DIVINE PROTOCOL, and TZARAAS is the EFFECT of her ERROR. It is further disclosed that G-d is IMMUTABLE, i.e.. not subject to CHANGE, READ MALACHI 3:6a. Therefore we may conclude that SLANDER combined with speaking against DIVINE PROTOCOL will eternally be JUDGED the SAME, yea, the JUDGMENT gives rise to SEPARATION from the ONENESS of the COMMUNITY. It was not until the SYMPTOMS of the DISUNITY were DISSOLVED that the individual was let back into the COMMUNITY. This discloses that TZARAAS is both PHYSICAL and MENTAL. The MENTAL manifestation is DISUNITY.

It is the assignment of the KOHANIM to oversee the DIAGNOSIS as well as the CURE of TZARAAS. In other words, the KOHANIM are PURPOSED to aid in oversight of UNITY among the JEWISH PEOPLE. The TIME has come that we would become ONE in the hand of ECHAD. We are DEFINED by what we do rather than the TITLE that we WEAR. Those who have an EAR to HEAR, let us aid in the ascension out of DISUNITY into UNITY.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TAZRIA by placing our ATTENTION on the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying: If a person will have on the skin of his flesh a s’eis, or a sapachas, or a baheres and will become a tzaraas affliction on the skin of his flesh; he shall be brought to Aaron the Kohen, or to one of his sons the Kohanim. The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the skin of his flesh; If hair in the affliction has changed to white, and the afflictions appearance is deeper than the skin of his flesh - it is a tzaraas affliction; the Kohen shall look at it and declare him contaminated.” (Leviticus 13:1-3) In this passage of TORAH, the NAVI Moshe is given instructions from HASHEM concerning the TZARAAS AFFLICTION. The instructions disclose the pathway of DIAGNOSIS to be implemented by either the KOHEN GADOL or the KOHANIM. 

In the commentary, it is noted that, “The popular translation of TZARAAS has been “leprosy,” and it was commonly accepted that the prevention of the disease’s spread was the reason for the quarantine of a person smitten with the malady.” Whether this is true or not, it remains that the cause of the DISEASE is a focus that will give rise to understanding the underlying REVELATION of the MYSTERY.

In the SCENARIO of MOSHE being challenged by AARON and MIRIAM concerning the AUTHORITY that he was given, it is written, “And the three of them went out (Moshe, Aaron and Miriam). HaShem descended in a pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance to the Tent, and He summoned Aaron and Miriam; the two of them went out. He said, Hear now My words. If there shall be prophets among you, in a vision shall I HaShem make Myself known to him; in a dream shall I speak with him. Not so is My servant Moses: in My entire house he is the trusted one. Mouth to mouth do I speak to him, in a clear vision and not in riddles, at the image of HaShem does he gaze. Why did you not fear to speak against My servant Moses?” (Numbers 12:4b-8) In the SCENARIO, Aaron and Miriam not only spoke against the NAVI Moshe, which is SLANDER, but also their DIVISIVENESS was against DIVINE PROTOCOL, yea, the PROTOCOL is that HASHEM spoke PANAYIM EL PANAYIM (face to face) with MOSHE and in turn Moshe conveyed what he experienced to BENEI YISRAEL.

  As to the effect of MIRIAM speaking against the NAVI Moshe (which represents DIVINE AUTHORITY), it is written, “The cloud had departed from atop the Tent, and behold! Miriam was afflicted with TZARAAS, like snow! (Numbers 12:10a) In this passage of TORAH, we are able to DISCERN that speaking against DIVINE AUTHORITY gives rise to encountering TZARAAS.
No doubt the REASONING behind such a SEVERE RESPONSE to speaking against DIVINE AUTHORITY is based on the EMET (truth) that both the UNFOLDMENT and INFOLDMENT that occurs in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, words can hinder the PROCESS. After ALL, ECHAD chose WORDS to SHAPE the MANIFESTATION of what He has predetermined. Thus to be a Co-Creator of the UNIVERSE, we must BRIDLE the TONGUE, refusing to SPEAK what will undermine or DESTROY.

Whenever DIVINE AUTHORITY is spoken AGAINST, three people are HURT. Those three are the one who is spoken about, the speaker and the one who hears. This is what CREATES DIVISION within a UNIFIED group of people. Thus the LEADERSHIP in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING is destined to oversee the UNITY in a CORPORATE group insuring that whenever SLANDER is spoken or there are words spoken against DIVINE PROTOCOL, the NEED for QUARANTINING is considered to MINIMIZE the spread of DISUNITY.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the Festival CHAG MATZAH by placing our ATTENTION on the INSTRUCTIONS given to the NAVI Moshe concerning the COMMEMORATION of the EVENT, it is written, “And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Matzos to HASHEM; you shall eat matzos for a seven day period. On the first day there shall be a holy convocation for you, you shall do no laborious work. You shall bring a fire-offering to HaShem for a seven-day period; on the seventh day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work… You shall not eat bread or roasted kernels or plump kernels until this very day, until you bring the offering of your God; it is an eternal decree for your generations in all your dwelling places.” (Leviticus 23:6-8,14) These instructions disclose what is to be the demeanor of the Jewish People after the commemoration of PESACH which commences on the 14th day in the Jewish month NISAN. Yea, the 15th day of the month of NISAN is the commencement of the unfoldment of CHAG MATZAH

The CHAG is celebrated over a seven day period beginning with the observance of a holy convocation, no laborious work, the giving of an offering and the eating of MATZOT. This is to occur on the first day. The days following, laborious work is permitted and offerings are to be given each day. On the seventh day of the CELEBRATION, there is to be a holy convocation, no laborious work and after giving an offering, we may consume LEAVEN. This is the 8th day after PESACH.

The number eight SIGNIFIES a NEW BEGINNING. The importance of comprehending this has to do with putting ourselves in concert with the TIMING of ECHAD, yea, one can put a lot of energy in planting a GARDEN, but the SUCCESS thereof is dependent on TIMING. Planting out of SEASON will give rise to failure, although much energy is expended. The revelation of TIMING in these CHAGIM aids in both MOVEMENT and PROPHETIC INSIGHT into what ECHAD is doing.

PESACH marks the TIME of LIBERATION, CHAG MATZAH marks the TIME SUGGESTING that after LIBERATION, we are destined to endure the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP. The last day of CHAG MATZAH which is the 8th day from PESACH marks the END of the CRUCIBLE and the BEGINNING of the UNFOLDMENT of GREATNESS promised by ECHAD to the Jewish People.

Time is ECHAD’S MOVEMENT through SPACE in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The MOVEMENT of TIME THROUGH SPACE is UNDENIABLE. In other words, what ECHAD has decreed will come to pass. Thus the ESSENTIALITY of entering into ECHAD’S MOVEMENT THROUGH SPACE is directly connected to the UNFOLDMENT and INFOLDMENT occurring in the Universe of BECOMING. This suggests that SUCCESS in the Jewish People’s manifestation of GREATNESS is effected by the observance of the Festivals. In this season, AFFLICTION is predetermined to come to an END and the NEW BEGINNING of GREATNESS is commencing its INFOLDMENT.  

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Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing on the feast termed CHAG MATZAH. Concerning this CHAG, the NAVI MOSHE was given the following instruction from HASHEM, it is written, “And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of MATZOS to HASHEM; you shall eat matzos for a seven day period. On the first day there shall be a holy convocation for you, you shall do no laborious work. You shall bring a fire-offering to HaShem for a seven-day period; on the seventh day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.” (Leviticus 23:6-8) The instructions found in the SIDRAH disclose that CHAG MATZAH (the Festival of Unleavened Bread) commences the day following PESACH (Passover). PESACH is the celebration of the G-d orchestrated liberation of the Jewish people from the OPPRESSION of MITZRAYIM (Egypt). In other words, the LIBERATION of the Jewish People from OPPRESSION is to be followed by a seven day period whereas we are to commemorate by eating MATZOT, that is, the BREAD of AFFLICTION. No doubt, there is a MYSTERY to the COMMEMORATION that if uncovered will aid in our ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, a CONSCIOUS UNION with HASHEM. Yea, within the RITUAL is a REVELATION that will give rise to experiencing the INFOLDMENT in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING.

The INFOLDMENT in the human conscious experience in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING is the HIDDEN ATTRIBUTES of G-d being made manifest in the PHYSICAL BODY and MIND. The manifestation is actualized as the experience of KNOWLEDGE (ALL KNOWING), EXISTENCE (IMMORTALITY) and BLISS (COMPLETE HAPPINESS). Without controversy, the idea that we are commanded to COMMEMORATE a Festival of communing the BREAD of AFFLICTION is indicative of the EMET (truth) that LIBERATION from oppression alone does NOT engender the ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, KNOWLEDGE, EXISTENCE and BLISS.

To aid in understanding the MYSTERY of the Festival, the NAVI ISAIAH wrote, “Behold, I refine you, but not like silver; I have chosen for you the crucible of hardship.” (Isaiah 48:10) In this prophetic utterance, it is disclosed that the pathway to GREATNESS promised to the Jewish People requires undergoing the experience termed the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP. In other words, the extreme challenges that are experienced by the Jewish People are PREDETERMINED by HASHEM to aid in the MANIFESTATION of the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL that is hid within. The COMMAND to CONSUME the BREAD of AFFLICTION is to refine the MIND in such a way that the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP is PERCEIVED AS ESSENTIAL to the INFOLDMENT of KNOWLEDGE, EXISTENCE and BLISS.

It was revealed to the NAVI Jeremiah that a CHAI (life) without Challenge gives rise to MEDIOCRITY, he wrote, “Moab was complacent from its youth, tranquil on its lees and not being poured from container to container, and did not go into EXILE; therefore its taste has stayed in it, and its scent was not diminished.” (Jeremiah 48:11) As suggested, what was HID within MOAB remained CONCEALED because of a LACK of EXTREME CHALLENGE. The Festival is designed to create in the MIND a CONSTRUCT that will enable the Jewish People to endure the CRUCIBLE that is necessary in our INFOLDMENT of GREATNESS after LIBERATION.

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Sunday, April 16, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the title of the PARASHAT, TAZRIA. The Hebrew transliteration TAZRIA is equivalent to the English term “she conceives.” The focus of this section of the SIDRAH is upon childbirth and purification. In particular, it discloses the DIVINE OUTLOOK that when employed gives rise to cleansing from CONTAMINATION after CHILDBIRTH. From the UPPER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS, these instructions may aid in understanding our path to the unfoldment of GREATNESS.

The promise was made to our ABBA AVRAHAM that the Jewish People are destined to unfold GREATNESS, it is written, “HaShem said to ABRAM, Go for yourself from your land, from your relatives, and from your father to the land that I will show you. And I will make you into a nation that is great. I will bless you, and make great your name, and you shall be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:1,2) The words within this passage of Torah disclose that the obedience of AVRAM to the instructions of G-d gave rise to his unfoldment as a great nation. Preceding the manifestation of GREATNESS is a force that must be RESISTED that engenders the unfoldment THEREOF. This EMET is disclosed within the underlying principles that will give rise to the MANIFESTATION of the G-d of YISRAEL.

To suggest that a WOMAN is contaminated after CHILDBIRTH is of low level CONSCIOUSNESS, and this is not the CASE, these are not just INSTRUMENTS to the coming of NEW LIFE, but a REVELATION to a patten that unfolds greatness. Yea, the unfoldment of GREATNESS is preceded by undergoing the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP. This is the way that ECHAD chose to predetermine our lives. He predetermined our lives to be filled with HARDSHIP that will lead to REPENTANCE and the UNFOLDMENT of GREATNESS. The WOMAN became the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP to experience the unfoldment of GREATNESS from her WOMB. Likewise a GREAT man or woman is one that continually focuses upon ECHAD in whom there is a RHYTHMIC SWING from SUFFERING TO GLORY, that is, a visible manifestation of His INVISIBLE ATTRIBUTES in the human conscious experience.

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Saturday, April 15, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT SHEMINI by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “For I am HaShem your God - you are to sanctify yourselves and you shall be holy, for I am holy, and you shall not contaminate yourselves through any teeming thing that creeps on the earth. For I am Hashem Who elevates you from the land of Egypt to be a God unto you; you shall be holy, for I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:44,45) The instructions contained in this passage discloses the mystery of the ALLEYAH (ascension). In the Universe of Becoming, the ALLEYAH may be perceived both from a PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL aspect. From the PHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE, the ALLEYAH signifies our return to ERETZ YISRAEL. From the SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE, the ALLEYAH is indicative of ascending into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS is the RESTORATION of our CONSCIOUS ONENESS with G-d. Yea, the Jewish People have been CHOSEN by ECHAD to demonstrate to the nations of OLAM (world) the ASCENSION and PRESERVATION of “ONE with G-d.” As Jews, we are destined to be first in achieving a conscious ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS that gives rise to the CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES of ECHAD being made MANIFEST in the human conscious experience.

The instructions reveal that at the TOP of our list of PRIORITIES is to SANCTIFY OURSELVES. From the perspective of G-d as being IMPERSONAL, this requires MIND REFINEMENT. The MIND is REFLECTIVE in nature. MIND REFINEMENT is accomplished through the practice of DISCIPLINES found in TORAH that give rise to the elimination of DISTORTION. Eliminating DISTORTION is like cleaning off a DIRTY MIRROR in order that it might fulfill the purpose of perfectly reflecting its OBJECT. The MIND was created to REFLECT its CREATOR, ECHAD. When the MIND perfectly REFLECTS ECHAD, the WORDS and DEEDS that are a product of its ACTIONS are HOLY even as He is HOLY. Thus the warnings concerning CONTAMINATION have to do with the REFINEMENT of the MIND, yea, the DISCIPLINES found in TORAH when practiced consistently give rise to MIND REFINEMENT. 

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Friday, April 14, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus upon the PARASHAT SHEMINI by placing our ATTENTION on the interpretation of the title. The IVRI (Hebrew) transliteration SHEMINI is the word for the number eight. The number eight is indicative of a new beginning.
The SIDRAH opens by making the following statement, “It was on the eighth day, Moses summoned Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel. He said to Aaron: Take for yourself a young bull for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt-offering - unblemished; and offer them before HaShem. And to the Children of Israel speak as follows: Take a he goat for a sin offering, and a calf and a sheep in their first year - unblemished - for a burnt offering. And a bull and a ram for a peace offering to slaughter before HaShem, and a meal-offering mixed with oil; for today HaShem appears to you.” (Leviticus 9:1-4) Prior to these instructions, the NAVI Moshe had under went seven days of erecting the MISHKAN (Tabernacle), offering the prescribed services and taking it down. During this period, AARON and his sons had been undergoing a seven day inauguration into the PRIESTHOOD. No doubt, they observed MOSHE REBEYNU during their time of inauguration as a VISUALIZATION of what their duties would be, yea, the NAVI was disclosing a lifestyle of how to experience a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD that would give rise to a manifestation of His CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES.

The instructions on how to experience a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD that gives rise to the MANIFESTATION of His CONCEALED attributes are destined to be understood at a principle level. The reasoning for the instructions needing to be understood from a principle level is that the Jewish People’s perspective of G-d is destined to EVOLVE. This EMET (truth) was foreseen by the NAVI ZECHARIAH who declared, “HaShem will be King over all the land; on that day HaShem will be One, and His Name will be One.” (Zechariah 14:9) In this prophetic utterance, it is disclosed that a time would come whereas HaShem would become known as ONE. In other words, the knowledge of G-d would evolve from PERSONAL to IMPERSONAL. The evolution of the KNOWLEDGE of G-d from PERSONAL to IMPERSONAL effects the way that we view the instructions. The instructions are given from the perspective of a PERSONAL G-d, when the perspective evolves, ONE ascends out of the concept of G-d and I into ONE with G-d. To attempt to serve G-d from the perspective of PERSONAL after ascending into the IMPERSONAL would make the instructions from a personal perspective JURASSIC. Thus the instructions are to be observed from the PRINCIPLE.

The IMPLEMENTATION of the instructions given on the eighth day were destined to engender a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of the CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES of G-d. These instructions executed from a PRINCIPLE UNDERSTANDING will give rise to a manifestation within the PHYSICAL and MENTAL BODIES of the human conscious experience. Just as the KOHANIM (PRIESTHOOD) had to submit to the instructions of the NAVI Moshe in order to bring forth a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of G-d, one must submit to the instructions of those who ECHAD has sent in order to experience an EPIPHANY that gives rise to a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of ECHAD in the PHYSICAL and MENTAL BODIES.

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Thursday, April 13, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus upon the PARASHAT SHEMINI by placing our ATTENTION on the interpretation of the title. The IVRI (Hebrew) transliteration SHEMINI is the word for the number eight. The number eight is indicative of a new beginning.

The SIDRAH opens by making the following statement, “It was on the eighth day, Moses summoned Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel. He said to Aaron: Take for yourself a young bull for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt-offering - unblemished; and offer them before HaShem. And to the Children of Israel speak as follows: Take a he goat for a sin offering, and a calf and a sheep in their first year - unblemished - for a burnt offering. And a bull and a ram for a peace offering to slaughter before HaShem, and a meal-offering mixed with oil; for today HaShem appears to you.” (Leviticus 9:1-4) Prior to these instructions, the NAVI Moshe had under went seven days of erecting the MISHKAN (Tabernacle), offering the prescribed services and taking it down. During this period, AARON and his sons had been undergoing a seven day inauguration into the PRIESTHOOD. No doubt, they observed MOSHE REBEYNU during their time of inauguration as a VISUALIZATION of what their duties would be, yea, the NAVI was disclosing a lifestyle of how to experience a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD that would give rise to a manifestation of His CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES.

The instructions on how to experience a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD that gives rise to the MANIFESTATION of His CONCEALED attributes are destined to be understood at a principle level. The reasoning for the instructions needing to be understood from a principle level is that the Jewish People’s perspective of G-d is destined to EVOLVE. This EMET (truth) was foreseen by the NAVI ZECHARIAH who declared, “HaShem will be King over all the land; on that day HaShem will be One, and His Name will be One.” (Zechariah 14:9) In this prophetic utterance, it is disclosed that a time would come whereas HaShem would become known as ONE. In other words, the knowledge of G-d would evolve from PERSONAL to IMPERSONAL. The evolution of the KNOWLEDGE of G-d from PERSONAL to IMPERSONAL effects the way that we view the instructions. The instructions are given from the perspective of a PERSONAL G-d, when the perspective evolves, ONE ascends out of the concept of G-d and I into ONE with G-d. To attempt to serve G-d from the perspective of PERSONAL after ascending into the IMPERSONAL would make the instructions from a personal perspective JURASSIC. Thus the instructions are to be observed from the PRINCIPLE.

The IMPLEMENTATION of the instructions given on the eighth day were destined to engender a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of the CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES of G-d. These instructions executed from a PRINCIPLE UNDERSTANDING will give rise to a manifestation within the PHYSICAL and MENTAL BODIES of the human conscious experience. Just as the KOHANIM (PRIESTHOOD) had to submit to the instructions of the NAVI Moshe in order to bring forth a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of G-d, one must submit to the instructions of those who ECHAD has sent in order to experience an EPIPHANY that gives rise to a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of ECHAD in the PHYSICAL and MENTAL BODIES.

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Sunday, April 09, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. Our focus on the celebration of PESACH is destined to unfold a New impetus within the Jewish People that will aid in building AM YISRAEL. The NAVI Jeremiah wrote, “However, behold - days are coming - the word of HASHEM - when it will no longer be said, ‘As HASHEM lives, Who took out the Children of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ but rather, ‘As HASHEM lives, Who took out the Children of Israel from the land of the North and from all the lands where He had scattered them’; and I shall return them to their land, which I gave to their forefathers. Behold, I shall send many fishermen - the word of HASHEM - and they will fish them out, and afterwards I shall send many trappers and they will trap them from atop every mountain and every hill and from the crevices in the rocks. For My eyes are upon all their ways; they are not hidden from before Me, and their sin is not concealed from before My eyes. I shall repay them first for the repetition of their [forefathers’] sin and transgression, for having desecrated My land; with their disgusting abominations and their detestations they have filled up My heritage.” (Jeremiah 16:14-18) This event that was foreseen by the NAVI Jeremiah works in harmony with a SPIRITUAL LAW ACTIVATED in the UNIVERSE which declares “the thing that has been is that which shall be.” This SPIRITUAL LAW is recorded in ECCLESIASTES 1:9. It discloses that the PAST is a revelation of the FUTURE. As aforementioned by the NAVI, just as we have celebrated the TIME when we were liberated from Egyptian bondage, there comes a time when we will experience liberation from all the nations of the WORLD. No doubt, this is indicative of YISRAEL’S return to our LAND in 1948 where we began to infold the promise given to our ABBA AVRAHAM of becoming a great nation. Read GENESIS 12:1,2. 

The infoldment of the greatness of our NATION cannot be denied because it has been PREDETERMINED by HASHEM. We are living in a UNIVERSE of BECOMING. In the unfoldment of the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, the ONE (G-d) becomes the MANY (humanity). In the infoldment of the UNIVERSE, the MANY becomes the ONE. The infoldment of the MANY becoming ONE is indicative of the CONCEALED ATTRIBUTES of HASHEM being REVEALED in the human conscious experience. Creation is the combination of TIME and SPACE. SPACE is the place where the activity of TIME occurs. TIME is THOUGHT in MOTION, that is, a MOVEMENT. As previously suggested, the MOVEMENT is predetermined by HASHEM, and like the predetermination of the earth revolving around the SUN, it cannot be stopped, yea, all of creation is working towards the end of YISRAEL becoming the GREATEST NATION on EARTH.

Just as all of CREATION worked towards the infoldment of the NATION in 1948, it continues to work. The NAVI Jeremiah saw that it works to take BENEI YISRAEL from all the lands where we have been scattered. It is no small wonder that among the TRUTH SEEKERS an AWAKENING is occurring, yea, they are AWAKENING to the EMET that they have Jewish Souls.

The AWAKENED are destined to be aided by what the NAVI Jeremiah called fishermen and trappers. In other words, the TIME has come in which the Jewish People are to take a PROACTIVE APPROACH in aiding those who did not grow up as Jews, but in other TRADITIONS. We are destined to employ a NON-RESISTANT APPROACH to those who seek us out as well as being more ASSERTIVE in aiding those who are in a MENTAL OPPRESSION in making their return.

The TIME has come to write a NEW CHAPTER in the HISTORICAL INFOLDMENT of our GREAT NATION by tapping into the MOVEMENT of the UNIVERSE and aid the AWAKENED IN THEIR RETURN. Indeed we are DESTINED to engage with a NEW PESACH.

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Thursday, April 06, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT VAYIKRA by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage in the SIDRAH, it is written, “If his offering is a feast peace-offering, if he offers it from the cattle - whether male or female - unblemished shall he offer it before HASHEM. He shall lean his hands upon the head of his offering and slaughter it at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting; the sons of Aaron, the Kohanim, shall throw the blood upon the Altar, all around. From the feast peace-offering he shall offer as a fire offering to HASHEM: the fat that covers the innards, and all the fat that is upon the innards; and the two kidneys with the fat that is upon them, that is upon the flanks, and he shall remove the diaphragm with the liver, with the kidneys. The sons of Aaron shall cause it to go up in smoke on the Altar, besides the burnt-offering that is on the wood that is on the fire - a fire-offering, a satisfying aroma to HASHEM.” (Leviticus 3:1-5) In this disclosure, instructions are given on the presentation of a PEACE OFFERING. OFFERINGS that are made before ECHAD are not purposed to change G-d. Concerning changing G-d, the NAVI MALACHI was given the following revelation, it is written, “For I, HASHEM, have not changed; and you, the sons of Jacob, you have not perished.” (Malachi 3:6) As suggested, there is nothing that can change or effect ECHAD. The idea that He can be changed is one that is the product of viewing HIM as a PERSONAL G-d. From the perspective of an IMPERSONAL G-d, He is not subject to change, but may be described as PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. Thus the offerings that are MADE before the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS are purposed to CHANGE the ONE who makes the OFFERING. 

As aforementioned, this portion of the SIDRAH is descriptive of the instructions given by ECHAD for the presentation of the PEACE OFFERING. The PEACE OFFERING, when viewed from the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS are seen as having the PURPOSE of aiding the ONE who makes the OFFERING in making the ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. This EMET (truth) can be seen in the instructions disclosing that ECHAD, the KOHANIM and the ONE who makes the offering are to PARTAKE THEREOF. The directions disclosing that all are to PARTAKE is demonstrative of the MANY BECOMING ONE. It further reveals that the MANY BECOMING ONE is not ABSORPTION, but rather the MANIFESTATION of PEACE, which is an ATTRIBUTE of ECHAD. The sages have declared that the MANIFESTATION of this SHALOM (PEACE) has the spiritual capacity of increasing peace in the world. Indeed the GLOBAL EFFECT of this PEACE reveals it to be an ATTRIBUTE of G-d. 

This ATTRIBUTE of SHALOM is experienced in PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, disclosing that the PEACE OFFERING is destined to change those who OFFER enabling them in making the ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT VAYIKRA by placing our ATTENTION on the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “When a person offers a meal offering to HASHEM, this offering shall be of fine flour; he shall pour oil upon it and place frankincense upon it. He shall bring it to the sons of AARON, the KOHANIM, one of whom shall scoop his three fingerful upon it, from its fine flour and from its oil, as well as all its frankincense; and the KOHEN shall cause its memorial portion to go up in smoke upon the Altar - a fire-offering, a satisfying aroma to HASHEM. The remnant of the meal offering is for AARON and his sons; most holy, from the fire-offerings of HASHEM.” (Leviticus 2:1-3) It is evident from this passage found in the SIDRAH that a MEAL OFFERING consists of FLOUR, OIL and FRANKINCENSE. Since these ITEMS are INEXPENSIVE, MORE THAN OFTEN they would be brought by the POOR for the purpose of establishing a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD. 

We live in a UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The UNFOLDMENT and INFOLDMENT of the UNIVERSE of BECOMING suggests that it is TRANSIENT in nature. The CONSTANT STATE of FLUX that moves in a CYCLE is in reality the PURSUIT of the ALL attempting to UNFOLD the HIDDEN attributes of GOD, yea, the purpose of HASHEM giving us the TORAH is to change the approach of LIFE. In the pursuit of LIFE, we are destined to experience MOMENTS questioning our EMUNAH (faith) in the unfoldment of a CONSTANT STATE of change. The righteous works of a WISE MAN is the path we are DESTINED to go. No doubt, the ATMOSPHERE that SURROUNDS us provides many changes in order for us to ascend into the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS. The offerings that are being SPOKEN of in the SIDRAH are destined to enable us in our pursuit of perfection. The MEAL OFFERING was given to the KOHANIM that we might become ENLIGHTENED. The continuance of this STAPLE discloses that the TRANSIENT NATURE of the UNIVERSE requires that we redefine every thing.

 Redefining a thing gives rise to its proper use. The proper use of a THING was to be discovered by the KOHANIM who put their direct focus on the ALL. The focus upon the THING will aid in the unfoldment and infoldment of the GLORY of HASHEM that is CONCEALED WITHIN. By giving the KOHANIM this offering, they were EMPOWERED to continue with the HOLY WORKS unhindered by PHYSICAL NEEDS. The CONTINUAL FOCUS upon G-d gives rise to the MANIFESTATION of G-d hid within. The MANIFESTATION is to be bought as a SIGN that G-d is with us. One of the WAYS that we are able to MAINTAIN this LIFESTYLE is because it was revealed to us by G-d. We are GOD manifesting HIMSELF in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The purpose of the MEAL OFFERING is to feed the KOHANIM that we might maintain the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUS BEING to aid in the people’s pursuit of a CONSCIOUS union with ECHAD.

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Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus upon the PARASHAT VAYIKRA by placing our ATTENTION upon the INTERPRETATION of its TITLE. The term VAYIKRA is an IVRI (Hebrew) transliteration DELINEATING the IDEA, “and He called.” In context with the opening of the chapter, it is descriptive of ECHAD summoning the NAVI MOSHE. In light of viewing the SUMMONS from an IMPERSONAL PERSPECTIVE of ECHAD, it may be viewed as a BECKONING coming from the MEMORY, yea, in the HIGHER levels of CONSCIOUSNESS, there is but ONE VOICE which is purposed for the PROCESS of BECOMING.

To be cognizant of the ONE VOICE requires the PURIFICATION of the MIND. The MIND is reflective in NATURE mirroring the VIBRATIONS that are both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL. The PURIFICATION of the MIND is the goal of the SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM revealed to the NAVI MOSHE, yea, it is not the PURPOSE of SACRIFICES to change ECHAD. ECHAD is PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS UNAFFECTED by ALL CREATED THINGS. The KARBONOT (sacrifices) are not to appease G-d, but rather to create a STILLNESS in the MIND that will perfectly reflect the PURE SOUL CONSCIOUS STATE which is HIGHER THAN THAT of REASONING.

The lower levels of the MIND may be compared to a CHATTERING MONKEY. WITHOUT MIND REFINEMENT, the CHATTERING MONKEY becomes more and more IRRITATED until the POWER to REFLECT is destroyed engendering a STATE of FRACTURED LIGHT. In this STATE, the IMAGE of GOD is distorted giving rise to SELF DECEPTION. The KARBONOT was designed to bring stillness to the MIND through the SACRIFICE of the animal NATURE found in the NEFESH (lower parts of the SOUL). The SACRIFICE of the animal NATURE gives rise to ASCENSION into the IMPERSONAL G-d.

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