Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Friday, April 26, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the following passage contained in TORAH, it is written, “This day shall become a remembrance for you and you shall celebrate it as a festival for HaShem: for your generations as an eternal decree shall you celebrate it. For a seven day period shall you eat matzot, but on the previous day you shall nullify the leaven from your homes; for anyone who eats leavened food, that soul shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day to the seventh day.” Exodus 12:14,15 The question is, “How does the commandment not to eat leaven for seven days relate to LIBERATION?”

The LIBERATION that we are destined to experience is from the oppression of EGYPT (MITZRAYIM). Mitzrayim represents the conscious state of EGOISM. In the conscious state of EGOISM, the corporate SOUL has created a world of contrast. In the world of contrast, we experience temporary states of pleasure and suffering.

The world of contrast is the creation of the EGO. It may be compared to the process in which a CLAM creates a pearl. Something foreign enters into the CLAM. The CLAM reacts to the discomfort by creating ENAMEL around the discomfort thus producing a PEARL. Likewise the EGO has created a KIND of ENAMEL out of THOUGHT LIFE producing a FALSE SENSE of REALITY from the FIVE SENSES that CONCEALS the TRUE NATURE of the SOUL. Because the NATURE of the FALSE SENSE of REALITY is ENAMEL LIKE, i.e. INANIMATE, it takes distasteful events to break its hold.

This MITZRAYIM that we are destined to experience LIBERATION from in the UNFOLDMENT of the GOAL of CREATION commences with this idea. Therefore we are commanded to consume what is distasteful, that we might be mindful of what occurs on the PATH of LIFE which is LIBERATION.

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Thursday, April 18, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We have come to the season in which we are commanded to observe the liberation of the Jewish people from the bondage of MITZRAYIM (Egypt). It had been foreseen by the NAVI Jeremiah that the time would come when the focus would no longer be on our liberation from MITZRAYIM but rather from all the nations in which we have been dispersed.

The dispersement among all the nations of OLAM is destined to give rise to an EPIPHANY. The purpose of the EPIPHANY is to aid those who have been lost in identification to empower in the ingathering that had been predetermined by ECHAD. The ingathering has to do with making the ELIYAH both naturally and spiritually. The NATURAL is the ascension back to ERETZ YISRAEL. The SPIRITUAL is the ascension into a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD. The EPIPHANY is the revelation in the heart that we are ONE with ECHAD, that is, an individual aspect of the CREATOR.

The EPIPHANY is enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a state of ARRIVAL, but rather the commencement of a lifestyle of SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Self-Improvement is experienced as one begins the CORRECTION. The CORRECTION is a spiritual mechanic in which the DESIRES of this WORLD are transformed into SUPERNAL INTENTION. As the DESIRES of OLAM are transformed into SUPERNAL INTENTION, an ascension is made that will give rise to the unfoldment of a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD. The CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD will manifest as STILLNESS, PEACEFULNESS, QUIETNESS and CONFIDENCE within and the visible manifestation of REGENERATION without. It is not the destruction of the EGO, but rather the liberation thereof. The liberation is the manifestation of IT’S unlimited potential that is concealed within its NATURE. CHAG SHEMACH

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Thursday, April 11, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by placing our ATTENTION on the opening narrative of the PARASHAT. The portion begins with instructions on the first stage of the metzora’s purification. From the ROOT LANGUAGE, these instructions deal with the ascension into CORPORATE CONSCIOUSNESS. The ascension into CORPORATE CONSCIOUSNESS is the result of the CREATION of a sixth sense. The sixth sense is built as one undergoes the CORRECTION.

The CORRECTION gives rise to the transformation of the EGO into a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD. The EGO is the product of the thought of CREATION. The thought of CREATION is to create a new creature that is opposite of ECHAD and afterwards to pour Himself into it to become like Him. The unfoldment of this process requires the creation of a vessel (KLI) in which ECHAD, “Blessed be His Name,” can pour Himself into. Once the vessel is completed, the New Creature is able to participate by transforming the opposite DESIRES within into SUPERNAL INTENTION. The question is how does this relate to the METZORA.

The METZORA is one who has the symptoms of TZARAAT. These symptoms are disclosures of DESIRE that are opposite to SUPERNAL INTENTIONS that need to be transformed. With the aid of a HOST SOUL, the METZORA can be instructed on how to transform the DESIRE of the WORLD into SUPERNAL INTENT. The transformation will give rise to the building of a sixth sense thus enabling the METZORA to ascend into CORPORATE CONSCIOUSNESS.

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Wednesday, April 03, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the opening instructions given to the NAVI MOSHE from ECHAD. The instructions disclose human contamination that is experienced at childbirth and how to achieve purification. The question is, “What revelation is disclosed in the perspective that childbirth gives rise to contamination?”

The thought of creation is to create a new creature and to pour SUPERNAL BLESSINGS into it until it becomes like the CREATOR. No doubt this is the implication of the revelation to “Make Man in Our image, after Our likeness.” The revelation discloses that to create the NEW CREATURE, it would have to be opposite of ECHAD and that ECHAD would have to pour Himself into it to reach the predetermined GOAL. Thus the contamination is, that the vessel, i.e. the human conscious experience is opposite of ECHAD, Blessed be His Name.

This further reveals that the human conscious experience is the combination of two components. Those components are FINITE and INFINITE. The FINITE COMPONENT CONCEALS the INFINITE COMPONENT. Thus the INTENTION of ECHAD is to attain the revelation of the INFINITE COMPONENT by the mechanic of UNCOVERING.

The UNCOVERING is initiated through instructions. The instructions give rise to uncovering through transformation. The transformation is the result of changing the desires of the world that are contained in the FINITE component into SUPERNAL INTENTIONS contained in the INFINITE component. Thus the instructions contained in the SIDRAH concerning purification when viewed from the ROOT LANGUAGE of TORAH are the way to perform the transformation.

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