Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Saturday, September 11, 2021


Shalom Shalom. This week’s DEVAR TORAH is VAYEILECH meaning and went.
•    In Malachi, it says that the hearts of the fathers would return to the sons and the sons to the fathers. It is not talking about biological fathers but spiritual fathers. In II Kings, Elisha calls Eliyahu father when he is taken up in a chariot of fire. Elisha is then able to do the same thing that Eliyahu did - part the water. Spiritual fathers leave a spiritual inheritance. The return of the father is referring to the greater and mightier nation that was promised to Moshe. They will have the faculty/gifting of Moshe. This is the authority that removes the curtain that is hiding OLAM HABA. It is the instructions that are inherited from the father to the children then embodied to receive the faculty. We return to the Book, Torah.
•    Perfection cannot create imperfection. In creation the goal is to have a visible field of unlimited potential. From the field of invisible unlimited potential, a contraction took place that created a hollow in which creation takes place. The farther from the Endless Light the more solid, opposite of the Creator. It looks imperfect, but at the center is perfection. Creation is not finished; we are completing it. Everything seen in contrast has to ascend up and become a visible manifestation. In the constriction is the physical body which is memory. It has both evil inclination and good inclination. There are 4 aspects. 1. The lowest level - it is dormant, in the subconscious, like a baby. 2. Extended - The environment causes the good and bad inclinations to come out. When you react to blows, your environment controls you; happy, sad, anger, etc. 3. Control - When you start to cross over the barrier. When you receive a blow, you control the inclinations; respond and not react. You control the inclinations that are within you. It is based on Stillness. 4. Elimination of Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) and only have good, delight, no evil. You no longer are under blessings and curses. In Extended and Control, you still experience blessing and curses. Use introspection to control what is in you. Dominate what is in you, not what is external to you. Keep controlling until you transform. Perfection is then in the physical body - immortality.
•    HITPASHTUT is the development of Godliness. Adam Rishon is one Soul comprised of many souls. When we fell below the barrier, a shattering took place, like puzzle pieces. Soul mates were broken up. In the story of Noach, it says the sons of God married the daughters of men and they had children. This went against what was before the shattering. It brought contention. The daughters of men had a negative influence on the sons of God. They were not soul mates. Moshe sees that Israel will stray after other gods after they enter the Land. In other words, they would have interfaith marriages. In Ezra it says, “You have been unfaithful and taken alien wives.” The Creator told them to divorce their alien wives. They then move into the correction properly. Spirituality can be destroyed by being connected to someone you are not supposed to be with. Reach the high level of consciousness by being with your soul mate. In G’MAR TIKKUN we come back together into our primeval state.


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