Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by placing our focus upon the title of the PARASHAT, “ACHAREI.” The Hebrew (IVRI) transliteration ACHAREI is translated into the English term “AFTER.” In particular, TORAH employs the term to connect the events of the DEATH of AARON’S two sons and the High Holy Day, “YOM KIPPUR.” It is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses after the death of AARON’S two sons, when they approached before HASHEM, and they died. And HASHEM said to Moses: Speak to AARON, your brother - he shall not come at all times into the Sanctuary, within the Curtain, in front of the Cover that is upon the ARK, so that he should not die; for in a cloud will I appear upon the ARK-cover.” (Leviticus 16:1,2)  The sages have declared that the PURPOSE of TORAH bringing these two SCENARIOS together, that is, the DEATH OF AARON’S TWO SONS and the YOM KIPPUR SERVICE, is that both events give rise to the experience of ATONEMENT. It is believed that whenever a righteous person TRANSITIONS (DIES) that ATONEMENT may occur for the SURVIVORS in the PHYSICAL REALM. Likewise, ECHAD ESTABLISHED YOM KPUUR as a day of ATONEMENT for the Jewish People.

The word ATONEMENT is indicative of ASCENDING INTO A CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d. It is the GOAL of the INFOLDMENT of the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. This union with ECHAD is first to be REALIZED on the MENTAL LEVEL and when focused upon is ACTUALIZED in the PHYSICAL LEVEL. The ACTUALIZATION of a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d on the PHYSICAL LEVEL is MANIFEST as KNOWLEDGE, EXISTENCE and BLISS, yea, the ATONEMENT is not merely restoration but is destined to AID in making the QUANTUM LEAP into the next EVOLUTIONARY STEP to be experienced by those who are undergoing the human conscious experience. The question is, “How does the transition of a TZADIK (righteous man/woman) effect ATONEMENT in the SURVIVORS?”

Whenever TRANSITION is experienced, the following occurs, it is written, “… so man goes to his eternal home, while the mourners go about the streets. Before the silver cord snaps, and the golden bowl is shattered and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel is smashed at the pit. Thus the dust returns to the ground, as it was, and the spirit returns to God Who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:5b-7) In this disclosure, it is revealed that the SPIRIT of those who TRANSITION, which lives forever, returns to G-d. In other words, wherever G-d is, the SPIRIT that transitioned is also there.

The EMET that wherever G-d is, the SPIRIT that has undergone TRANSITION is there, gives rise to experiencing the SPIRIT. G-d dwells in the HEART of HIS PEOPLE. Thus in the HEART where G-d dwells, the SPIRIT that has undergone separation from the DUST is also there. When the transition of a TZADIK occurs, the SPIRITUAL ATTRIBUTES return to G-d. These attributes can be ACCESSED by the SURVIVORS in the heart. Thus through the DISCIPLINE of INTROSPECTION, the SURVIVORS can draw from the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the TZADIK that is a SPIRITUAL ATTRIBUTE. By ACCESSING the ATTRIBUTE at the MENTAL LEVEL, what is realized can be actualized at the PHYSICAL LEVEL.

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