Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Friday, November 27, 2020


Shalom Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing upon the idea of being VISIONARY. A Visionary is one who sees the invisible, feels the intangible giving rise to doing the impossible. When speaking of the impossible, the implication is that of connecting to the unlimited potential that is latent within the SOUL.

The SOUL has five grades. Those grades are, beginning with the lowest, the NEFESH, the RUACH, the NESHAMAH, the CHAYAH and the YECHIDAH. These grades are like unto a light passing through a PRISM, yea, it is ONE LIGHT that passes through the PRISM, manifesting different facets. The SOUL is like unto a PRISM, when OHR AYIN which is the ENDLESS LIGHT possessing UNLIMITED POTENTIAL is made manifest in the SOUL, the different grades emanating from a SOURCE that does the impossible. From the higher levels of the SOUL, one is able to experience SUPERNAL VISION and SENTIENCE disclosing specific PURPOSE latent within and predetermined to do.

Concerning the visions received at the higher levels of CONSCIOUSNESS within the SOUL, it was said to AVRAHAM, “… Gaze, now, toward the Heavens, and count the stars if you are able to count them. And He said to him, So shall your offspring be. And he trusted in HASHEM and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.” Genesis 15:5b,6. It is disclosed in the passage that belief in a SUPERNAL VISION engenders righteousness, that is, right action. The Jewish People are action orientated. This orientation is influenced by what is termed HALACHAH. HALACHAH, that is, the ORAL LAW, is purposed to aid in the interpretation of the CHOMER (written Law) and understanding the HOW TO PERFORM the MITZVOT (commandments) of ECHAD, Blessed Be His Name. In this way, our AVOT (Fathers) AVRAHAM, YITZCHAK and YAACOB kept the ORAL LAW, that is, in believing the CHAZONOT (visions) of ECHAD experienced in the higher levels of the SOUL.

The belief in the CHAZONOT of ECHAD is connecting to the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL that is latent within. This connection is what gives rise to RIGHT ACTION, not always discernible, never the less effective. This is illustrated in this portion which commences with a dream received by YAACOB and unfolded by ACTION that are sometimes inexplicable.


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Friday, November 20, 2020


Shalom Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our attention upon OHR MAKIF. The IVRI transliteration OHR MAKIF is defined as the surrounding LIGHT. The surrounding LIGHT is also referenced to as the RESHIMO. The RESHIMO may be viewed as the pressures that exist all around us for the purpose of unfolding HAMACHSHAVAH HAELYONAH which is the SUPREME THOUGHT. The Supreme Thought is that the INVISIBLE will be made mindset as the VISIBLE.

The INVISIBLE is termed OHR AYIN, that is, THE ENDLESS LIGHT. OHR AYIN may be comprehended as an Infinite Field of Unlimited Potential. In order for this Infinite Field of Unlimited Potential to become visible, It commences with a constriction producing a CHALAL (hollow) within Itself. The CHALAL is opposite of the Infinite Field of Unlimited Potential therefore becoming visible. Once visible the Light begins the process of pouring Itself into the CHALAL to cause the vessel to become a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of the INVISIBLE. To ensure that the exterior will be in the Image and Likeness of the Light, it employs the RESHIMO (pressure) to create the form.

Understanding these IKARIM (principles) is what gives rise to establishing the proper perspective of the CHAI (life) of YAACOV. The observing of his journey from the compartmentalizing of each movement is to err in perception. The err in perception will lead to being judgmental and blinded to the SUPERNAL INTENTION. Concerning this EMET (truth), the NAVI JEREMIAH wrote, “Arise and go down to the potter’s shop, and there I will let you hear My words. So I went down to a potter’s shop and behold he was working on the potter’s wheel. The vessel that he was making of the clay became ruined in the potter’s hand, so he began again and made it into a different vessel to do as was fitting in the eyes of the potter.” Jeremiah 18:1-4. The CHAI of YAACOV is an ensample of the events we are destined to undergo in the UNFOLDMENT of HAMACHSHAVAH HAELYONAH. There are minute details that disclose the secrets in the unfoldment of the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL that is LATENT within.

The pressures experienced from OHR MAKIF are carefully calculated in order to aid in the making of an effective response that will disclose the MIDDOT (qualities) of ECHAD, Blessed Be His Name, that are hidden within. Those pressures that are being experienced by both the HOST SOULS and the INDIVIDUAL SOULS are destined to transform one into a warrior (LOCHEM male, LOCHEMET female) for the goal of Creation is first demonstrated by military might destined to establish the Standards of ECHAD on the earth which is OLAM HA BA (the world to come).


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Friday, November 13, 2020


Shalom Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH being mindful of the foundational teaching of TIMING. TIME as observed by the EGO is an illusion of the mind. It may be described as thought in motion. In the awakened state of the mind, we experience such modifications as correct perception, incorrect perception, imagination, and the like. In these states of mind modification, thought is in motion. On the other hand, in deep sleep, whereas the conscious is aware of ITSELF, there is no motion, thus the sense of time as thought in motion does not exist. This is the perspective of the EGO.

From the perspective of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, that is, the YECHIDAH, time is cyclic. This is demonstrated in our JEWISH OBSERVANCE of the SHABBOT, the High Holy Days and the intermediate days. These repetition discloses, that in eternity there are different grades of energy that occur in a cycle that both repeats and expands. In this week’s portion (PARASHA) CHAYEI SARAH, we are able to discern that in that which is eternal, when something OLD is going off the scene, something NEW is coming on the scene.

Before a new season comes on the scene, there is always a prophetic announcement that precedes the unfoldment. The NAVI Amoz wrote, “For the Lord HASHEM/ELOHIM will not do any thing unless He has revealed His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared who will not fear? The Lord HASHEM/ELOHIM has spoken, who will not prophesy?” AMOZ 3:7,8.

Just as CHAYEI SARAH is the prophetic announcement that a new season has begun IT’S UNFOLDMENT, the current events reveal that there is a New Season that has begun. This season is what is termed “A DAY OF VENGEANCE,” yea, the time has come whereas wickedness will receive punishment and righteousness reward. It is the fulfillment of the promise made to our ABBA AVRAHAM. “I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse, and all families of the earth shall bless themselves by you.” GENESIS 12:3. Let he who has ears to hear, heed to the word of ECHAD.


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Friday, November 06, 2020


Shalom Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the following foundational truth (EMET), that is, the journeys of our ABBA (Father) AVRAHAM are a revelation of the series of events that are destined to unfold the trek that is to be undergone by the Jewish People both on an individual and corporate level. The PERSONHOOD of AVRAHAM provides for his ZERA (seed) an ensample of the do’s and don’ts that if followed will give birth to the manifestation of Supernal Potential.

AVRAHAM is the disclosure of the path of CHAI (life) uncovering the SETER (mystery) of the manifestation of establishing a Conscious Union with ECHAD, Blessed be His Holy Name. Since AVRAHAM, many that have desired to walk on the WINGS of the WIND have been empowered to do so. Indeed AVRAHAM is ROSH TOLDOT, that is, the Head of His generation.

In the SIDRAH, the impetus behind the accomplishments of AVRAHAM are disclosed. What moves him to journey in the beyondness of ECHAD is the motivation behind the words and actions he employed. It is the motivation that belongs to a warrior. A warrior’s impetus is based on the principle of establishing the standards of his nation on foreign ground. Every where AVRAHAM establishes the standard of the G-d of YISRAEL, he builds an altar. It is this motivation that consistently unfolds ATTAINMENTS that lead to ascending into a Conscious Union with ECHAD giving rise to a visible manifestation of the invisible G-d. Yea, it is the establishment of the standards ECHAD on the ground that empowers him in the AKEIDAH, that is, the binding of YITZCHAK recorded in the 22nd chapter of BERESHITH (Genesis).

The AKEIDAH which is called a test given by ECHAD to AVRAHAM is one to reveal the value system to be employed. The choice to be made is whether to value the promise of G-d above the commandment of G-d. The commandment of G-d is His HAND. What has the greater value in the SUPERNAL hearing or receiving? Notice that it was AVRAHAM’S choice to complete fulfillment rather than the suffering that is experienced from CLINGING. No doubt the lesson is that one cannot receive what one is not willing to leave. To become ALL things, one must become NO THING.


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