Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT PEKUDEI by placing our ATTENTION upon the following DEVARIM (words) found in Torah. It is written, “MOSES did according to everything that HASHEM had commanded to him so did he do.” (Exodus 40:16) These words are descriptive of the ACTIONS of a man engaged with the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The ACTIONS will engender the MANIFESTATION of ECHAD’S INVISIBLE ATTRIBUTES that are HIDDEN WITHIN.

The MANIFESTATION of G-d’s Invisible Attributes are delineated in the following, it is written, “The cloud covered the Tent of Meeting and the glory of HASHEM filled the Tabernacle. Not able was MOSES to enter into the Tent of Meeting for rest upon it did the cloud and the glory of HASHEM filled the Tabernacle.” (Exodus 40:34,35) This event viewed from the NESHAMAH disclose that the ACTIONS of One who occupies the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS give rise to the MANIFESTATION of DIVINITY. The question is, How can One engage in a WORK that will MANIFEST DIVINITY?

Absent a life the experience of DIVINITY, there is no meaning to the cycle of BIRTH and DEATH. The goal is to LIVE and NOT DIE and express DIVINITY. The MYSTICS have declared DIVINITY to be a SPARK WITHIN. The DIVINE SPARK is an INDIVIDUAL ASPECT of ECHAD. The INDIVIDUALITY is expressed as PURPOSE. Each individual that undergoes the human conscious experience has a PARTICULAR PURPOSE in which ECHAD has PREDETERMINED, yea, we are created to AID in finishing the WORKS in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING.

To complete this Holy WORK, the NAVI Moshe remained focused. This required that he would not get involved with NIBBLING. NIBBLING is seeking to eat from many sources, often driven by the IDEA of FINDING something NEW. We were given the APHORISM that declares, “Whatever has been is what will be and whatever has been done is what will be done. There is nothing new beneath the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) This was written to save us the TIME of NIBBLING AWAY in an attempt to find NEW THINGS. The way of the NAVI is to focus within until the DIVINE SPARK is made manifest WITHOUT. The FOCUS is maintained by the PRAYER of MEDITATION, the Keeping of TORAH and the pursuit of ONE’S DIVINE PURPOSE.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT PEKUDEI by placing our ATTENTION on HASHEM’S command to the NAVI MOSHE to set up the MISHKAN (Tabernacle). It is evident that the PURPOSE of the MISHKAN is to AID with BENEI YISRAEL’S ascension into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS.

PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS is experienced when ONE ascends into the NESHAMAH. The NESHAMAH when perceived from the IMPERSONAL aspect of ECHAD is where a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d occurs. PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS may be described as CORPORATE in nature, yea, it is ascension out of INDIVIDUALITY that resulted from descension below MAKSOM. The descension below MAKSOM came about when ADAM and EVE partook of the TREE of THE KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and BAD. Their descension below MAKSOM was purposed to create WITHIN THEM VOLITION, that is, FREE WILL. As aforementioned, the PRICE of their VOLITION was descension into INDIVIDUALITY. INDIVIDUALITY brought with it the ILLUSION of the EGO. The CONSCIOUSNESS of the EGO is one of ERROR, superimposing upon the EXTERNAL WORLD a false SENSE of SEPARATION. As suggested the CONSTRUCTION of the MISHKAN was purposed to AID in BENEI YISRAEL’S ASCENSION into SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS where we return to the CORPORATE MINDSET. This is like unto the PHYSICAL BODY that is comprised of MANY MEMBERS that are operating under a SINGLE CONSCIOUSNESS. If the members begin to operate in INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, the result will bring about DIVISION leading to SICKNESS and DEATH.

The CONSTRUCTION of the MISHKAN gave rise to the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of ECHAD. This VISIBLE MANIFESTATION is what is termed the SHEKINAH. The appearance of the SHEKINAH would activate the SPIRITUAL LAW, image creates desire, yea, the MANIFESTATION of G-d as ONE would inspire BENEI YISRAEL into making the ASCENSION into the TURTH of our BEING. The TRUTH of BEING is that in our PRIMORDIAL STATE, which is described as the IMAGE and LIKENESS of G-d, we are ONE BEING.   

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Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus on the PARASHAT PEKUDEI by focusing our attention upon the HOLY VESTMENTS that were made for AARON, the KOHEN GADOL (High Priest) as HASHEM had commanded the NAVI MOSHE.

No doubt the KOHEN GADOL is destined to occupy the HIGHER LEVELS of Consciousness in the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. In the HIGHER LEVELS of Consciousness in the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE, the focus is upon the NESHAMAH. The NESHAMAH may be described as PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. The spiritual law that discloses as a man thinketh, so is he is effected in the focus upon the NESHAMAH giving rise to the INFOLDMENT in the Universe of Becoming, that is, the MANY becoming ONE. The MANY becoming ONE expresses itself as the INVISIBLE ATTRIBUTES of ECHAD being made MANIFEST in the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and MENTAL bodies. The contemplation of this CONCEPT will AID in uncovering the INTENT of ECHAD’S purpose for the VESTMENTS employed to serve in the SANCTUARY.

The perception of G-d effects the INTERPRETATION of TORAH. Viewing G-d from a PERSONAL ASPECT, which was the product of our descension below MAKSOM where we experience INDIVIDUALITY or the birthing of the EGO, gives rise to SUPERIMPOSING upon the DIVINE as well as CREATION a SENSE of SEPARATION. On the other hand, perceiving G-d from an IMPERSONAL aspect bridges the SEPARATION recognizing it as DEGREES. From an IMPERSONAL PERSPECTIVE of G-d, the VESTMENTS employed to serve in the SANCTUARY were an expression of the CONSCIOUSNESS that was to be obtained by the KOHANIM. This EMET (truth) is indicative that in the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS what was worn WITHOUT SYMBOLICALLY can be found WITHIN. In other words, the VESTMENTS that were WORN is an expression of the HIDDEN LIFE WITHIN.

To manifest this HIDDEN LIFE that is WITHIN, we were given the PRAYER of MEDITATION. To substantiate this EMET, the PSALMIST wrote, “Praiseworthy is the man who walked not in the counsel of the wicked and stood not in the path of the sinful, and sat not in the session of scorners. But his desire is in the Torah of HaShem, and in His Torah he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree deeply rooted along-side brooks of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and whose leaf never withers and everything that he does will succeed.” (Psalm 1:1-3) In this passage of KETHUVIM (writings), it is disclosed that the prayer of MEDITATION engenders an experience that is like unto a TREE that is planted by a river that brings forth fruit, yea, fruit is HIDDEN LIFE. In other words, MEDITATION UPON TORAH will MANIFEST the HIDDEN LIFE within that was represented by the VESTMENTS worn by the KOHANIM.

In the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, MEDITATION will serve as an AID to the INFOLDMENT of the HIDDEN LIFE that is within giving rise to the VISIBLE manifestation of ECHAD who is CONCEALED. 

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Monday, March 27, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus on the PARASHAT PEKUDEI by defining  the IVRI (Hebrew) transliteration. The IVRI transliteration PEKUDEI may be interpreted into the ENGLISH term “accounting.” In particular, the SIDRAH is an accounting of the LOGISTICS of GOLD, SILVER and COPPER that was contributed to the construction of the MISHKAN (Tabernacle). The implementation of this account is in the ordering of what is termed the “HOLY WORK,” it is written, “All the gold that was used for the work, for all the holy work…” (Exodus 38:24b) No doubt this reference to the “HOLY WORK” is indicative to an unfoldment that has been predetermined by ECHAD to be set in motion by those whom He had PURPOSED in AIDING the universe of BECOMING. As aforementioned in previous PARASHOT, we are LIVING in a UNIVERSE that is in a MOVEMENT of UNFOLDMENT followed by INFOLDMENT. The UNFOLDMENT is ECHAD becoming the MANY. The INFOLDMENT is the MANY becoming the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of ECHAD. Those whose purposes are to AID with the MOVEMENT have been given an “HOLY WORK.”

To effect an “HOLY WORK,” one must employ the SAME PRINCIPLES that ECHAD employs in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The PRINCIPLE that ECHAD employs is that which flows from HIS ATTRIBUTE termed EXCELLENCE. EXCELLENCE is indicative of GOOD not being sufficient when BETTER can be achieved. To effect this PRINCIPLE, whenever ECHAD created SOMETHING as seen in BERESHIT chapter ONE, upon completion, He would analyze it, and if it met His standards, He declared, “it is good.” Likewise, when engaged in HOLY WORK, it is PARAMOUNT that at COMPLETION, we, too, take an OBJECTIVE look at what has been done to see whether or not it could be IMPROVED UPON. 

The CHARACTER of ONE who engages with HOLY WORK is to be EXCELLENT. This implies that the MOVEMENT is to be set in motion by PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. Ascension into PURE CONSCIOUSNESS is the RESULT of SUBMISSION to ONE who has OBTAINED, it is written, “… The labor of the Levites was under the authority of ISSAMAR, son of AARON the KOHEN. BEZALEL, son of URI son of HUR, of the tribe of Judah, did everything that HASHEM commanded MOSES.” (Exodus 38:21b,22) In this passage of TORAH, it is evident that the “HOLY WORK” was executed by THOSE who were SUBMITTED to the NAVI MOSHE who represented PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. Likewise to engage in an “HOLY WORK” that is relevant to our TIMES, one must be SUBMITTED to ONE who has OBTAINED PURE CONSCIOUSNESS to aid with the INFOLDMENT in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT VAYAKHEL by placing our ATTENTION upon the details given in EXODUS 38:1-7, it is written, “He made the Burnt-offering Altar of acacia wood; five cubits in length, and five cubits in width - square - and three cubits its height. He made its horns on its four corners, from it were its horns, and he covered it with copper. He made all the utensils of the Altar - the pots, the shovels, the basins, the forks, and the fire-pans - he made all its utensils of copper. He made for the Altar a netting of copper meshwork, below its surrounding border downwards until its mid-point. He cast four rings on the four edges of the copper netting, as housing for the staves. He made the staves of acacia wood and covered them with copper. He inserted the staves in the rings on the sides of the Altar, with which to carry it; hollow, of boards did he make it.” As a result of contemplating these details, the question is, “How are the details recorded here in TORAH relevant to the Jewish People in this season?

To uncover this mystery, we commence with the CONCEPT that the PURPOSE of the creation of the Tent of Meeting is the PURSUIT of G-d. One of the ATTRIBUTES of G-d is BLISS. BLISS may be described as SPIRITUAL JOY. Since BLISS is SPIRITUAL in NATURE, and that which is SPIRITUAL is ETERNAL, BLISS is happiness without END. Thus the pursuit of G-d is the pursuit of ETERNAL HAPPINESS. The MISHKAN was created for BENEI YISRAEL to aid with our pursuit of HAPPINESS in which there is no SORROW.

The record found here in TORAH of the FINE DETAILS in the creation of the MISHKAN is a revelation concerning the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. Yea, in the pursuit of HAPPINESS, one must be METICULOUS. In other words, those that pursue BLISS, that is, ETERNAL HAPPINESS, are destined to undergo the unfoldment of EXTREME DETAILS in accomplishing the GOAL.

King Solomon saved us in the undergoing of these EXTREME DETAILS by revealing that HAPPINESS can not be found in that which is EXTERNAL to us, it is written, “Then I looked at all the things that I had done and the energy I had expended in doing them; it was clear that it was all futile and a vexation of the spirit - and there is no real profit under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 2:11) In this passage of KETHUVIM (writings), it is discloses that HAPPINESS can not be found in things that are external to you. The WISDOM that my be AMASSED, the ACHIEVEMENTS that may be ACCOMPLISHED will not bring about the EXPERIENCE of BLISS. As previously suggested in the TORAH PORTION, it is the result of commencing a journey WITHIN that requires one to be METICULOUS. Yea, the giving of the DETAILS in this passage of TORAH is RELEVANT in this SEASON for it discloses what is required in the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, One must be METICULOUS.    

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT VAYAKHEL by placing our ATTENTION on the PURPOSE of the CONSTRUCT termed the MISHKAN (Tabernacle). The term Tent of Meeting is often employed to describe the TABERNACLE. No doubt this is indicative of Its PURPOSE. The PURPOSE is to be a place where the FINITE an engage or MEET with the INFINITE. In principle the TABERNACLE is like unto the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and MENTAL BODIES that clothe the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. This is based upon the EMET that when ECHAD created man, He blew HIMSELF as SOUL into it. Like the TABERNACLE is a place created for the purpose of experiencing ECHAD, so is the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and MENTAL BODIES, yea, they are created for the purpose of experiencing ECHAD.

The crafting of the COMPONENTS that when assembled under DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS would make up the TABERNACLE required both WISDOM and PRECISION. No doubt this is based upon the FUNCTION, that is, that the TABERNACLE was destined to be the PLACE where ERROR is to be dispelled by TRUTH as the result of MINISTERING TO G-D. At this point, it is important to note that ERROR is the cause of ALL SUFFERING. With the Jewish People, there is no merit in SUFFERING. Thus the TABERNACLE was created to be a PLACE of TRUTH, whereby becoming CONSCIOUS THEREOF, ONE MAY ASCEND OUT OF SUFFERING into the STATE OF BLISS, THAT IS, ETERNAL HAPPINESS.

As aforementioned, the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and MENTAL BODIES of the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE are like unto the TABERNACLE making it a place where the ANSWER to ALL SUFFERING resides as well as the STATE of BLISS. The careful crafting of our BODIES is purposed to come into a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD, that is, the PURE SOUL, that can be experienced within.

Our experiences are either EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. That which lies EXTERNAL to us is in a constant state of CHANGE. There is an aspect WITHIN that is CHANGELESS, that is, not subject to change. It is no small wonder that regardless to the changes we undergo, we yet experience that which is unaffected by the changes. The STATE of CONSTANT CHANGE is FINITE in nature, while on the other hand, this CHANGELESSNESS that is experienced within is INFINITE. Just as it took careful crafting to MANIFEST the DIVINE PRESENCE WITHOUT, it takes careful crafting to FIND the INFINITE within and become ONE with.

Becoming one with the INFINITE (CHANGELESS) STATE within is what engenders ASCENSION out of SUFFERING into BLISS, yea, for regardless to what goes on WITHOUT, it will not affect the CHANGELESS WITHIN. 

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus on the PARASHAT VAYAKHEL by focusing on the MOVEMENT of the UNIVERSE which is revealed as the ONE BECOMING MANY (UNFOLDMENT) and the MANY BECOMING ONE (INFOLDMENT). The question is, Does the TORAH teach that the MANY BECOMING ONE imply the TOTAL ABSORPTION back into a STATE of COMPLETE NON-DIFFERENTIATION?     In other words, is EVERYTHING headed into ANNIHILATION?

To answer this INQUISITION, let us examine the following, it is written, “He made fifty loops on the one curtain and he made fifty loops at the end of the curtain that was on the second set, the loops corresponding to one another. He made fifty clasps of gold and attached the curtains to one another with the clasps - so the Tabernacle became one.” (Exodus 36:12, 13) At this point, it is important to note that the Tabernacle was created for the PURPOSE of experiencing the DIVINE PRESENCE. In other words, it is MANY components becoming ONE IN THE MANIFESTATION OF DIVINE PRESENCE.

The components of the Tent of Meeting (MISHKAN) were the product of BENEI YISRAEL giving gifts as well as the gifting in obedience to the WORD of ECHAD. The gifts and gifting are in reality the INDIVIDUAL PURPOSES that had been predetermined by ECHAD that when assembled in concert with WISDOM give rise to the MANIFESTATION of the DIVINE PRESENCE. No doubt the Motivation behind the GIVING of INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE (gifts and gifting) was VISION, yea, VISIONS and DREAMS give rise to the experience of MOTIVATION. What is seen within is a driving force to establish WITHOUT. The MISHKAN is the result of MANY PURPOSES coming together to create ONE. It did not required a complete LOSS of IDENTIFICATION in ASSIMILATION, but rather INDIVIDUAL PURPOSES becoming ONE, like unto the assembling of PUZZLE PIECES, to MANIFEST DIVINE PRESENCE.

Likewise we are not destined to be ASSIMILATED into NON-DIFFERENTIATION in the MANY BECOMING ONE, but rather with WISDOM to PUT our gifts and gifting together in order to MANIFEST a CORPORATE EXPRESSION of ECHAD. This mechanic of unity, that is, connecting the INDIVIDUAL PURPOSES experienced in the PRIMORDIAL STATE will engender the GLORY of ECHAD in the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL, VOLITIONAL and SUB-CONSCIOUS state, which is the INFOLDMENT of IMMORTALITY.

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Monday, March 20, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus on the PARASHAT VAYAKHEL by placing our attention upon the PRINCIPLE that the perspective in which G-d is viewed effects the interpretation of TORAH. In particular, the PERSPECTIVE of G-d may be viewed from a personal concept to an impersonal aspect or a combination of personal and impersonal. When the TORAH was received by the NAVI MOSHE, our ancestors viewed G-d from a personal aspect. Thus the perspective in which it was written reflects the level of human development represented at the TIME. The perspective that we hold is that of the COMBINATION, that is, there is both a personal and impersonal aspect of G-d that can be experienced.

The knowledge of G-d that is termed IMPERSONAL was foreseen by the NAVI ZECHARIAH, it is written, “HaShem will be King over all the land (this statement represents the PERSONAL ASPECT OF HASHEM) … on that day HASHEM will be One and His Name will be One (this statement represents the IMPERSONAL ASPECT OF HASHEM).” (Zechariah 14:9) The IMPERSONAL ASPECT is viewing HASHEM from a HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS. It is a Conscious Union with HASHEM in which there is no KNOWLEDGE of THE LOWER SELF, but ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. When viewing the INSTRUCTIONS from this LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS, we are destined to employ the SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES that are hidden within TORAH, yea, we are destined to employ revelation of the mysteries in the instructions in the process of BECOMING. In the portion, VAYAKHEL, we are given INSTRUCTIONS on how the LOGISTICS for the Tent of Meeting are to be RECEIVED.

We are living in a SEASON where we no longer GATHER at the TENT of MEETING, which would seem to suggest that the INSTRUCTIONS are no longer in effect. On the contrary, the PRINCIPLES that are HID in the INSTRUCTIONS can be performed in the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS which are termed IMPERSONAL. In the portion, G-d commanded the NAVI MOSHE to command the people to take a portion for HASHEM, to bring gifts from the heart as prescribed. READ EXODUS 35:5. The portions that were given were destined to become ONE TABERNACLE. Likewise at the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS, a REBBE is needed to aid in INSTRUCTING the ASSEMBLY as to what PORTIONS that are needful in the MANY BECOMING ONE. The ASSEMBLY is destined to ASCEND into ONENESS with G-d. No doubt the REBBE that comes to reveal THESE INSTRUCTIONS comes in the NAME of ECHAD (One).     

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Sunday, March 19, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus on the PARASHAT VAYAKHEL by disclosing what is implied by the IVRI (Hebrew) transliteration. The IVRI transliteration VAYAKHEL is indicative of the term ASSEMBLED. The word ASSEMBLE suggests an action of gathering together into a group. When a NAVI is INSPIRED to gather together a people, obedience thereof gives rise to entering a path of ENLIGHTENMENT. In a world in search of HAPPINESS, ENLIGHTENMENT will prove to be the ANSWER.

ENLIGHTENMENT is an experience that is effected by ASSEMBLY. To substantiate this PRINCIPLE, David wrote, “Behold how good and how pleasant is the dwelling of brothers, moreover in unity. Like the precious oil upon the head running down upon the beard, the beard  of Aaron, running down over his garments, so the dew of Hermon descends upon the mountains of Zion, for there HASHEM has commanded the blessing. May there be life forever!” (Psalm 133) In this passage, the PSALMIST discloses that what is poured on the head is destined to reach the skirts. This destiny is effected by UNITY. In other words, if ENLIGHTENMENT is on the head of an ASSEMBLY, as long as the ASSEMBLY remains unified, it can saturate the whole group. The ENLIGHTENMENT is the INFERENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of HASHEM that is hidden within. The assembling of the NAVI MOSHE was for the purpose of ENLIGHTENMENT that was necessary in the JOURNEY to the PROMISED LAND.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

KI SISA Part 3

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT KI SISA by placing our ATTENTION on the final instructions given to the NAVI MOSHE concerning the CONSTRUCT of the TENT of MEETING, THE ARK of the TESTIMONIAL TABLETS and its COVER, the UTENSILS of the TENT, the TABLE and its UTENSILS, the MENORAH and its UTENSILS, the ALTAR and all its UTENSILS, the LAVER and its base, the KNIT VESTMENTS, the SACRED VESTMENTS of the KOHEN GADOL and the VESTMENTS of THE KOHANIM to minister to HASHEM, the ANOINTMENT OIL and INCENSE - SPICES of the SANCTUARY. These instructions were given in order to manifest a VISIBLE PRESENCE of G-d.

The EMET (truth) behind the giving of these INSTRUCTIONS discloses that HASHEM has predetermined that the Jewish People would have INFERENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of HASHEM. To KNOW G-d by the assertion of others is not the KNOWLEDGE that we are to OBTAIN, but rather our KNOWLEDGE is to be BASED ON EXPERIENCE. The CONSTRUCT of the TENT of MEETING and the KOHANIM to minister to HASHEM is purposed to reveal that there are specific instructions that are DIVINELY PRESCRIBED to produce an EPIPHANY. The instructions are destined to aid the Jewish People and others in the PURSUIT of TRUTH.

The instructions that give rise to the INFERENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of G-d are expressed in the LOWER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS in the human conscious experience. This allows it to be perceived by those who OCCUPY the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS in making them RELEVANT to the experience. In HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS, the perception of G-d is EVOLVED. Thus the literal application found in the INSTRUCTIONS can not be applied, it must be viewed from a PRINCIPLE ASPECT. The basic principles disclosed in the instructions then become applicable to all levels of CONSCIOUSNESS in the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. Therefore the PERCEPTION of G-d no longer is a HINDRANCE in experiencing INFERENTIAL KNOWLEDGE. This EMET is substantiated in the prophetic VISION given to the NAVI AMOS, it is written, “On that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David; I will repair their breaches and raise up its ruins, and I will build it up as in days of old, so that they upon whom My Name is called may inherit the remnant of Edom and all the nations - the word of HASHEM, Who shall do this.” (Amos 9:11,12) In this prophetic utterance, it is disclosed that there would be a RECONSTRUCTION of the TABERNACLE for the purpose of aiding the Jewish People and others who are in PURSUIT of TRUTH in experiencing the INFERENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of HASHEM. To understand the instructions at the FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL, a TEACHER is essential. The purpose is that the CONSCIOUSNESS of the TEACHER is essential. The purpose is that the CONSCIOUSNESS of the TEACHER is to be received by the PROTEGE. The result of receiving the CONSCIOUSNESS is the MANIFESTATION of G-d in FORM and DOMINION over the WORKS of HIS HANDS. 

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KI SISA Part 2

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT KI SISA by placing our attention on the instructions given to the NAVI MOSHE concerning the LAVER. It is written, “You shall make a copper Laver and its base of copper, for washing; place it between the Tent of Meeting and the Altar, and put water there. From it, Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands together with their feet. Whenever they come to the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water and not die, or when they approach the Altar to serve, to raise up in smoke a fire offering to HaShem. They shall wash their hands and feet and not die. It shall  be for them an eternal decree, for him and his offspring for their generations.” (Exodus 30:18-21) In this passage of TORAH, it is disclosed that before approaching HASHEM, the KOHANIM are commanded to WASH their hands and feet. The question is, “Why is WASHING NECESSARY in the APPROACH of G-d?”

In the UNIVERSE of BECOMING, the INFOLDMENT is the MANIFESTATION of G-d in FORM and DOMINION over the WORKS of His Hands. The INFOLDMENT is the product of INTERNALIZING in order to experience HASHEM. The principle is that what is EXTERNAL is the product of the INTERNAL. Thus focusing upon HASHEM that is WITHIN gives rise to His manifestation WITHOUT. In other words, the manifestation of the INVISIBLE ATTRIBUTES in FORM as well as DOMINION over the works of His HANDS is the result of INTERNALIZING. The UNIVERSE of BECOMING is a MOVEMENT caused by the realization of a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d.

No doubt the washing of the HANDS and FEET that are EXTERNAL are to keep in remembrance that the discipline of the KOHANIM is that of INTERNALIZING in order to manifest G-d in FORM and exercise DOMINION over the WORKS of His HANDS.

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Monday, March 13, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus on the PARASHAT KI SISA by placing our ATTENTION upon the interpretation of the IVRI (Hebrew) term. The IVRI transliteration KI SISA may be interpreted as “WHEN YOU TAKE.” It is used to make reference to MOSHE REBEYNU taking a census of BENEI YISRAEL. In other words, this is the POWER to KNOW (KNOWING) instructing the KNOWER how to count the KNOWERS in his SPHERE of AUTHORITY. These instructions were necessary in order to prevent a plague among BENEI YISRAEL when counting them. Indeed HASHEM, that is, the POWER TO KNOW, when giving INSTRUCTION to those who are SUBMITTED to Him, will not reveal something that will undermine what He has PREDETERMINED.

To ensure that what HASHEM has PREDETERMINED will come to pass, he employs GEBURAH, that is, JUDGMENT. GERBURAH is HASHEM’S DETERMINATE COUNSEL that ensures that what He has DECREED will come to pass. The NAVI Daniel was given the REVELATION that the END of the OPPRESSIVE ERA experienced by those undergoing the human conscious experience would be one of JUDGMENT, its is written, “But judgment will be set, and they will take away his dominion to be annihilated and to be destroyed completely. And the kingship, the dominion and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the holy supreme nation. It’s kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey it.” (Daniel 7:26) In this prophetic vision, it is disclosed that the end of CIVILIZATION as we KNOW IT comes as the result of JUDGMENT.

From this disclosure in light of what was revealed to MOSHE REBEYNU on the taking of a CENSUS, we are able to discern what causes the collapse of a NATION. No doubt the taking of a census by employing the method of counting each individual is forbidden because it creates a TRUST in the ARM of the FLESH rather then TRUSTING G-d. Thus it was forbidden to be the method employed by BENEI YISRAEL. This discloses that judgment will occur on the dominion and grandeur of the nations of the WORLD during end times because of a trusting in the ARM of the FLESH rather than G-d. As this is occurring, BENEI YISRAEL’S TRUST in G-d continually increases until our focus upon HIM is made MANIFEST. The MANIFESTATION THEREOF gives rise to OUR CONSCIOUS UNION with HASHEM and the unfoldment of UNLIMITED POTENTIAL becoming an ENSAMPLE to the nations of OLAM (the world), yea, it is by this that they will bless themselves in the JEWISH PEOPLE, that is, the ensample of TRUE DEVOTION.

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Friday, March 10, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TETZAVEH by placing our attention on the fundamental TRUTHS disclosed in EXODUS 30:1-10. In this passage of TORAH, the NAVI MOSHE receives instructions from HASHEM on constructing the INCENSE ALTAR and how it is to be employed by the KOHAN GADOL (the High Priest). The question is, “What fundamental TRUTHS are hidden within the INSTRUCTIONS?”

To aid in uncovering the answer, let us employ the following principle. Creation is experienced as that which is known. The human conscious experience is the KNOWER. In order for the KNOWER to KNOW that which is KNOWN, the KNOWER MUST HAVE the POWER TO KNOW, that is, KNOWING. Applying this PRINCIPLE in order to aid in the uncovering of the MYSTERY, G-d is the POWER TO KNOW, or KNOWING and the NAVI MOSHE is the KNOWER. Thus KNOWING gave the KNOWER instructions on how to construct what will be KNOWN as the INCENSE ALTAR. No doubt the INCENSE ALTAR was to remind the KNOWER to maintain a CONSTANT FOCUS on KNOWING (the Power to KNOW).

It is the CONSTANT FOCUS of the KNOWER on KNOWING that gives rise to the experience of the INFOLDMENT OF LIFE WITHOUT END. Along with this FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH is that which declares, the KNOWER is DESTINED to EMPLOY what is KNOWN to SERVE the POWER TO KNOW (KNOWING) in the UNFOLDMENT of SUCCESS. These FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS when embodied give rise to ASCENSION out of IGNORANCE which is the cause of the DELUSION called SUFFERING and entrance into LIFE with ALL POSSIBILITIES.

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Thursday, March 09, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TETZAVEH by placing our attention upon the following passage found in TORAH, it is written, “I shall sanctify the Tent of Meeting and the Altar and Aaron and his sons shall I sanctify to minister to Me. I shall rest My Presence among the Children of Israel, and I shall be their God.” (Exodus 29:44,45) It is evident from this passage found in TORAH that those who have been chosen by HASHEM to MINISTER to HIM have a sphere of AUTHORITY that is influenced by their SERVICE.

HASHEM may be described as the CONSCIOUSNESS of ALL SENTIENT BEING. In other words, G-d is the ESSENCE of ALL EXISTENCE. Understanding this FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH aids in discerning what is implied by MINISTERING to HASHEM. Ministering to HASHEM is a SERVICE to the ESSENCE of one’s being. When serving in harmony with the INSTRUCTIONS given to the KOHANIM (PRIESTHOOD), the result is the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of G-d’s PRESENCE. The VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of G-d’s PRESENCE is not a SPECTACLE, but rather gives rise to a constant state of IMPROVEMENT to the EXISTENCE within the SPHERE of AUTHORITY of those who MINISTER.

To become a recipient of the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of the DIVINE PRESENCE, that is, the constant state of IMPROVEMENT, the following promise was given to our ABBA AVRAHAM, it is written “I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse…” (Genesis 12:3) In other words, to become a RECIPIENT of the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of the DIVINE PRESENCE, one must occupy the SPHERE of AUTHORITY given to the KOHAN, and bless him by giving the SACRIFICES found in the INSTRUCTIONS given to the NAVI MOSHE.

Likewise, in a NEO HASSIDIC COMMUNITY, there is a REBBE that may be equaled to a KOHAN. The REBBE has been given INSTRUCTIONS that give rise to establishing the VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of DIVINE PRESENCE, which is termed PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. To become a recipient of the PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, one must be within the SPHERE of AUTHORITY of the REBBE, which are the community or COMMUNITIES that he has oversight. Then by sharing with the REBBE the MATERIAL things that one has, in harmony with the INSTRUCTIONS found in TORAH and not casting STUMBLING BLOCKS in the ADMINISTRATIONS THEREOF, one may become a recipient of ALL the POSSIBILITIES experienced in the CONSTANT STATE of IMPROVEMENT. 

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TETZAVEH by placing our ATTENTION upon NATIONAL PURPOSE. Undoubtably the purpose of HASHEM appearing as the DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES upon the earth was not one of DIVISION, but rather PURPOSE. In other words, each NATIONALITY upon the earth has a predetermined DIVINE CORPORATE PURPOSE. These DIVINE CORPORATE PURPOSES are destined to aid in the development of the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. The development is a MOVEMENT in the direction of the Holy Blessed One of YISRAEL, Blessed be His NAME, being made manifest in the ALL of EXISTENCE. It’s manifestation in the human conscious experience is the ETERNAL IMMORTAL STATE. This is to suggest that the goal is not to DIE, but LIFE WITHOUT END.

Concerning DIVINE CORPORATE PURPOSE, the Jewish People were given the assignment of being TIKKUN OLAM, that is, the repairers of the earth. To gain a greater understanding of what is implied by “REPAIRERS OF THE EARTH,” our ABBA AVRAHAM experienced an EPIPHANY in which it was said, “… Go for yourself from your land, from your relatives and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation; I will bless you, and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse, and all families of the earth shall bless themselves by you.” (Genesis 12:1-3) From this passage of TORAH, we are able to discern that all the other NATIONALITIES are destined to bless THEMSELVES in the Jewish People. This is indicative of what is implied by our NATIONAL PURPOSE of being TIKKUN OLAM, yea, we are destined to provide the TEACHING and ENSAMPLE of how to LIVE in the HIGHER LEVELS of the human conscious experience. At the HIGHER LEVELS, we engage with the possibility of manifesting IMMORTALITY in FORM.

The mechanic that we are destined to employ in the UNFOLDMENT of the ETERNAL IMMORTAL STATE is described in the following passage found in TORAH, it is written, “And now, if you hearken well to My voice and observe My covenant, you shall be to Me the most beloved treasure of all peoples, for Mine is the entire world. You shall be to Me a kingdom of ministers (PRIESTS) and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the Children of Israel. (Exodus 19:5,6) In this disclosure, HASHEM reveals that the LIFESTYLE that is presented in the BRIT (covenant) given to the Jewish People by way of MOSHE REBEYNU gives rise to ascension into FAVOR, that is, the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS that is conducive to the MORTAL becoming IMMORTAL.

The sin of the GOLDEN CALF gave rise to the experience of NEGATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS to all of BENEI YISRAEL with the exception of the TRIBE of LEVI. Therefore the PRIESTHOOD, which is an ENSAMPLE of the HIGHER LIFE, was given to the TRIBE of LEVI to demonstrate. Thus the inauguration of the KOHANIM (PRIESTS) was prelude to the manifestation of the HIGHER LIFE that is the result of experiencing a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d would look like.

Since the MIND is REFLECTIVE in nature, and at the LOWER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS, in need to be REFINED in order to fulfill the INTENT, the LIFESTYLE belonging to those who occupy the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS must be one of MIND REFINEMENT. When MIND REFINEMENT is executed, it is able to REFLECT PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. The REFLECTION of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS in the MIND engenders the constant state of improvement in FORM with movement towards the ETERNAL IMMORTAL STATE, that is, LIFE WITHOUT END. The RITUALS that were observed in the INAUGURATION are with this INTENT, not simply SACRIFICE, but ASCENSION out of NEGATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS into the HIGHER LEVELS of ALL POSSIBILITY.

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Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TETZAVEH by placing our ATTENTION on the instructions given to MOSHE REBEYNU concerning the INAUGURATION of Aaron and his sons as KOHANIM (PRIESTS). The KOHANIM among BENEI YISRAEL were destined to function in the HIGHER LEVELS of consciousness in the human Conscious Experience. In concert with the revelation that the ESSENCE of the human conscious experience is DIVINE, we should approach our findings in harmony with the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH that we are destined to ASCEND into a CONSCIOUS UNION with HASHEM. This principle gives rise to engaging with the instructions in a RELEVANT WAY that will aid in our embodiment of the same. The inauguration of the KOHANIM was purposed to sanctify them for the SERVICE of The Holy Blessed One of Yisrael. Likewise understanding the principles disclosed in the INSTRUCTIONS will engender PRECISION in our service to HASHEM.

The KOHANIM were inaugurated in order to preform specific duties in the MISHKAN (Tabernacle). These duties were given in order to establish a SPIRITUAL CENTER for BENEI YISRAEL that would be FOUNDATIONAL to the LIFESTYLE of JUDAISM. This would enable the Jewish People to THINK, SPEAK and ACT like G-d, yea, it’s design was to REFINE the MIND.

The REFINING of the MIND would cause it to become REFLECTIVE. What it is to reflect is the REVELATION of G-d. Reflecting the REVELATION of G-d is subject to the spiritual principle “as a man thinketh, so is he.” Thus the REFINING of the MIND gives rise to the MANIFESTATION of that which is CONCEALED to being REVEALED. Each step contained in the inauguration of the KOHANIM contains the mysteries that when uncovered discloses MIND REFINEMENT that gives rise to establishing a CONSCIOUS UNION with HASHEM.

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Monday, March 06, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TETZAVEH by placing our attention on the movement of TIME in SPACE. TIME may be described as thought in motion. This description describes that TIME is illusionary in nature. The illusions are appearances that are TEMPORARY IN NATURE with the PURPOSE of REVEALING THAT which is ETERNAL, yea, THE ETERNAL is in the process of MANIFESTING ITSELF IN FORM.

The commencement of the ETERNAL manifesting ITSELF in FORM is ONE of SIMPLICITY. In other words, that which is SIMPLE moves TOWARDS the COMPLEX and that WHICH is COMPLEX moves TOWARDS the SIMPLE. This description is the MOVEMENT of TIME in SPACE. As aforementioned, the PURPOSE of the MOVEMENT is the MANIFESTATION of the ETERNAL, i.e. HASHEM, Blessed Be His NAME, in FORM.

The portion termed TETZAVEH contains within it a MYTERY concerning the MOVEMENT of TIME in SPACE. The MYSTERY has to do with the instructions given to the NAVI MOSHE on the CREATION of the VESTMENTS OF SANCTITY for the KOHANIM (priests), that is, AARON and his SONS. The only DIFFERENTIATION that was to exist within the KOHANIM was that of the KOHAN GADOL (High Priest), the rest of KOHANIM were to wear SIMILAR CLOTHING when MINISTERING to HASHEM.

The KOHANIM were to occupy the HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS among BENEI YISRAEL. The HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS, the LESS DIFFERENTIATION OCCURS. In other words, the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS represent SIMPLICITY. DESCENSION into the lower levels of CONSCIOUSNESS give rise to COMPLEXITY experienced as DIFFERENTIATION. The uniformity of the VESTMENTS OF SANCTITY are a revelation that ASCENSION into the HOLY BLESSED ONE of YISRAEL is one of A CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d where the experience is ONE of SIMPLICITY, yea, the challenges that we undergo are to be RESPONDED to by ASCENSION into the SIMPLICITY that is LATENT WITHIN. This SIMPLICITY that is LATENT WITHIN is absent of COMPLEXITY. The COMPLEXITY that is experienced with the challenge is only the appearance of an ILLUSION that is experienced in the MOVEMENT. Thus the KOHANIM wore the VESTMENT OF SANCTITY that expressed SAMENESS. It is the FOCUS on SAMENESS that engenders the manifestation of the ETERNAL in FORM.  

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Sunday, March 05, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. This week’s TORAH PARASHAT is termed TETZAVEH. The IVRI transliteration TETZAVEH is indicative of the term “SHALL COMMAND.” In particular the term is employed by HASHEM to instruct BENEI YISRAEL in the preparation of the OIL of ILLUMINATION that is destined to burn continually in the MISHKAN (Tabernacle).

The OIL of ILLUMINATION was to be clear, i.e. pure, olive oil that resulted from undergoing the process of being crushed. The question is, “How does the preparation of the OIL of ILLUMINATION relate to the UNIVERSE of BECOMING?

It has been established that the ALL of EXISTENCE is the product of ECHAD (the One) speaking HIMSELF into BEING. By employing this process to CREATE the ALL of EXISTENCE, ECHAD made HIMSELF the ESSENCE of ALL THING. In other words, PURE CONSCIOUSNESS is latent within EVERYTHING, both ANIMATE and INANIMATE.

As previously suggested in some of the preceding TORAH PORTIONS, the ESSENCE of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS that is at the center of the ALL of EXISTENCE is destined to MANIFEST. The manifestation of the essence of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS is the infoldment of HIDDEN UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, yea, the ONE became the MANY, the infoldment is the MANY becoming ONE.

Just as the OLIVE that is employed must undergo the experience of PRESSURE in order to INFOLD the OIL of ILLUMINATION, so have the Jewish People been predetermined by ECHAD, yea, we are destined to undergo the experience of HARDSHIP that is purposed to INFOLD the HIDDEN UNLIMITED POTENTIAL that is LATENT WITHIN. Concerning this SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE, the NAVI ISAIAH wrote, “Behold, I refine you, but not like silver; I have chosen for you the CRUCIBLE OF HARDSHIP.” (Isaiah 48:10) Like the preparation that the OLIVE must undergo to fulfill the purpose in becoming the OIL of ILLUMINATION that is destined to burn without END, we, too, have undergone the crushing experience of the CRUCIBLE of HARDSHIP for the purpose of unfolding the ETERNAL IMMORTAL STATE that is LATENT WITHIN, yea, it is the seemingly unbearable challenges that we undergo that give rise to ASCENSION out of NEGATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS into that which is ILLUMINED.

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Thursday, March 02, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TERUMAH by recounting the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH that we occupy a UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The destiny of the COSMOS is to REVEAL the HIDDEN ESSENCE of the DIVINE in ALL, BOTH ANIMATE and INANIMATE. In other words, there is the SEASON of UNFOLDMENT, whereas the ONE BEOMES THE MANY, and likewise, there is the SEASON of INFOLDMENT, whereas the MANY BECOME THE ONE. The MANY BECOMING ONE is not ABSORPTION of ALL THINGS back into the PRIMEVAL STATE of NOTHINGNESS, but rather the ALL manifesting the HIDDEN ATTRIBUTES of G-d in EXISTENCE. As aforementioned in the preceding DEVAR TOROT, the PARASHAT TERUMAH is a PROPHETIC REVELATION of the DIVINE ESSENCE HIDDEN IN INANIMATE THINGS being made manifest, yea, the finished work of HEAVEN ON EARTH will manifest Itself in INANIMATE THINGS beyond what the MIND CAN CONCEIVE. Nothing appears as it is DESTINED to BE.

WITHIN the SEASONS of UNFOLDMENT and INFOLDMENT, there is a SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE that we are destined to OBSERVE. The SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE is that the APPEARANCE of CHAOS is indicative of a NEW BEGINNING. This SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE is demonstrated in BERESHIT as well as the PARASHAT TERUMAH. In the book of BERESHIT 1:1-5, it is written, “In the beginning of God’s creating the heavens and the earth, when the earth was astonishingly empty, with darkness upon the surface of the deep, and the DIVINE PRESENCE hovered upon the surface of the waters God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated between the light and the darkness. God called the light Day and to the darkness He called NIGHT. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” In this passage of TORAH, it is disclosed that the appearance of CHAOS from the DIVINE PERSPECTIVE was the commencement of a NEW BEGINNING. The NEW BEGINNING was to create ORDER out of CHAOS. Likewise the MISHKAN laid in CHAOS until MOSHE REBEYNU received instruction on how to arrange the ELEMENTS thereof into ORDER. The ORDER that was given gave rise to the INFOLDMENT of the DIVINE ESSENCE that is HIDDEN WITHIN INANIMATE THINGS manifesting the SHEKINAH.

As co-creators with G-d, we must redefine the APPEARANCE of CHAOS in our experience. The APPEARANCE  of CHAOS is not to be viewed as the TIME for DESTRUCTION, but rather the OPPORTUNITY to COMMENCE a NEW BEGINNING whereas we may employ the PROCESS of ordering in order to manifest the DIVINE ESSENCE that is HID within our SPHERE of AUTHORITY.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TERUMAH by placing our attention on the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH that in the UNIVERSE OF BECOMING, even INANIMATE creation is destined to unfold the CONCEALED ESSENCE OF HASHEM that is HIDDEN WITHN. In our previous discussion, it was disclosed that this is one of the assignments that have been predetermined for the Jewish People. Indeed we are CO-CREATORS with the Holy Blessed One of Yisrael. The blueprint that we have been given, that is, TORAH, reveals that we are to CREATE HEAVEN ON EARTH.

The MOVEMENT of TIME in Space is one in which the ONE becomes MANY and the MANY become ONE. This flow of ENERGY is what is referred to as the RUWACH HA QODESH (the Holy Spirit0. Without a doubt, we are in the SEASON whereas the MANY are in movement to become the ONE. This movement will engender the HIDDEN ESSENCE of G-d to be made manifest in CREATION. In other words, the UNIVERSE is flowing in a way to manifest the ONE. As a people who have been given the CORPORATE PURPOSE of being TIKKUN OLAM (repairers of the WORLD), we shall discover that the TIME is NOW in which all things are working in behalf of fulfilling the DIVINE ASSIGNMENT. The instructions given to the NAVI MOSHE on how to construct a MISHKAN (Tabernacle) that will manifest the SHEKINAH is a PROPHETIC VISION disclosing that the CONCEALED ESSENCE of G-d HIDDEN in INANIMATE EXISTENCE is destined to be seen, it is written, “You shall make fifty hooks of gold, and you shall attach the curtains to one another with the hooks, so that the Tabernacle shall become ONE.” (Exodus 26:6) The ONENESS that is being spoken of can be perceived at different levels of CONSCIOUSNESS. At the HIGHEST LEVELS, the perception is MANIFESTATION of the CONCEALED ESSENCE of G-d.

To fulfill this assignment, it is necessary to submit to DIVINE PROTOCOL even as BENEI YISRAEL had to SUBMIT. In other words, without SUBMITTING to the INSTRUCTION that HASHEM gave to the NAVI MOSHE, the construct of the MISHKAN that would manifest the SHEKINAH would not have occurred. For this reason, G-d promised the Jewish People that He would SEND NEVIIM (prophets) that are like unto MOSHE REBEYNU. The coming of the NEVIIM is not only to aid with RESTORATION, but also in the CONSTRUCT OF HEAVEN ON EARTH. READ DEUTERONOMY 18:15-22.

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