Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Thursday, March 02, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT TERUMAH by recounting the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH that we occupy a UNIVERSE of BECOMING. The destiny of the COSMOS is to REVEAL the HIDDEN ESSENCE of the DIVINE in ALL, BOTH ANIMATE and INANIMATE. In other words, there is the SEASON of UNFOLDMENT, whereas the ONE BEOMES THE MANY, and likewise, there is the SEASON of INFOLDMENT, whereas the MANY BECOME THE ONE. The MANY BECOMING ONE is not ABSORPTION of ALL THINGS back into the PRIMEVAL STATE of NOTHINGNESS, but rather the ALL manifesting the HIDDEN ATTRIBUTES of G-d in EXISTENCE. As aforementioned in the preceding DEVAR TOROT, the PARASHAT TERUMAH is a PROPHETIC REVELATION of the DIVINE ESSENCE HIDDEN IN INANIMATE THINGS being made manifest, yea, the finished work of HEAVEN ON EARTH will manifest Itself in INANIMATE THINGS beyond what the MIND CAN CONCEIVE. Nothing appears as it is DESTINED to BE.

WITHIN the SEASONS of UNFOLDMENT and INFOLDMENT, there is a SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE that we are destined to OBSERVE. The SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE is that the APPEARANCE of CHAOS is indicative of a NEW BEGINNING. This SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE is demonstrated in BERESHIT as well as the PARASHAT TERUMAH. In the book of BERESHIT 1:1-5, it is written, “In the beginning of God’s creating the heavens and the earth, when the earth was astonishingly empty, with darkness upon the surface of the deep, and the DIVINE PRESENCE hovered upon the surface of the waters God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated between the light and the darkness. God called the light Day and to the darkness He called NIGHT. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” In this passage of TORAH, it is disclosed that the appearance of CHAOS from the DIVINE PERSPECTIVE was the commencement of a NEW BEGINNING. The NEW BEGINNING was to create ORDER out of CHAOS. Likewise the MISHKAN laid in CHAOS until MOSHE REBEYNU received instruction on how to arrange the ELEMENTS thereof into ORDER. The ORDER that was given gave rise to the INFOLDMENT of the DIVINE ESSENCE that is HIDDEN WITHIN INANIMATE THINGS manifesting the SHEKINAH.

As co-creators with G-d, we must redefine the APPEARANCE of CHAOS in our experience. The APPEARANCE  of CHAOS is not to be viewed as the TIME for DESTRUCTION, but rather the OPPORTUNITY to COMMENCE a NEW BEGINNING whereas we may employ the PROCESS of ordering in order to manifest the DIVINE ESSENCE that is HID within our SPHERE of AUTHORITY.

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