Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Thursday, May 31, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT BEHA'ALOTCHA by focusing our ATTENTION on the following passage contained within the SIDRAH. It is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses, saying, Make for yourself two silver trumpets - make them hammered out, and they shall be yours for the summoning of the assembly and to cause the camps to journey.” (Numbers 10:1,2) In this passage of TORAH, the NAVI Moshe receives instructions on the creation of silver trumpets for the purpose of summoning the assembly and causing the camps to journey. From the perspective of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, the passage discloses that THERE is a spiritual ASSEMBLY that one can come into contact with that occupies both SPACE and TIME, and ETERNITY.

To experience the spiritual assembly that is contained within SPACE and TIME is what is termed CORPOREAL. On the other hand, to experience the spirits of the ONE SOUL is termed INCORPOREAL. Both the CORPOREAL and INCORPOREAL experiences of the SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY requires a CONSCIOUS ASCENSION. 

The CONSCIOUS ASCENSION is what is termed ATTAINMENTS. The HIGHER ONE ASCENDS into SPIRITUALITY, the more one becomes conscious of the BEINGS that occupy PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS.

To substantiate the idea that the HIGHER ONE ASCENDS into SPIRITUALITY, the more one becomes conscious of SPIRITUAL BEINGS, the NAVI DANIEL wrote, “Then on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, I was next to the great river, which is HIDDEKEL. I raised my eyes and saw, behold!one man clothed in linen, his loins girded with fine gold. His body was like tarshish, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, and his arms and legs like the color of burnished copper; the sound of his words loud as the sound of a multitude. I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; the people who were with me did not see the vision, but a great fear fell upon them and they fled into hiding.” (Daniel 10:4-7) In this revelation, the NAVI Daniel represents one who has ATTAINED a HIGH LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS in spirituality. With him are others who had not made the ATTAINMENT. Daniel’s ATTAINMENT gave rise to becoming conscious of BEINGS that occupy ETERNITY. These INCORPOREAL BEINGS were incomprehensible to those who journeyed with the NAVI.

In CORPOREAL CONSCIOUSNESS, we perceive with the five senses. When the SIXTH SENSE is built, we are able to comprehend what occupies PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, yea, the revelations thereof are what has been predetermined in the CAUSE, that is, PURE SOULS CONSCIOUSNESS, and destined to occur in the EFFECT, that is, BODY CONSCIOUSNESS which occupies SPACE and TIME.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is BEHA'ALOTCHA. The IVRI transliteration  BEHA’ALOTCHA is interpreted to mean “WHEN YOU KINDLE.” The portion commences with the SCENARIO of MOSHE REBEYNU receiving instructions from HASHEM concerning the MENORAH.

From the perspective of MISHKAHN DAVID, the TABERNACLE is symbolic of that which houses the SOUL of one who is undergone the human conscious experience. The components thereof are descriptive of different qualities that are experienced in the TABERNACLE. The MENORAH is symbolic of the INTUITIVE NATURE that is experienced in the TABERNACLE. When one is conscious of the INTUITIVE NATURE that is within, there is a KNOWING of SOMETHING, SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, and the like, that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

This SUPERNAL quality of KNOWING is experienced in different degrees within. The gift is possessed by all who under the human conscious experience. Those who experience it at a lessor degree may feel as though they do not possess it, but the principle is based upon the EMET (truth) that every SOUL is an individual aspect of ECHAD, blessed be His NAME.

The gift of INTUITIVE KNOWING is destined to aid in the ATTAINMENT of the goal of CREATION. The goal of CREATION is the maximizing of ONE’S POTENTIAL. The MAXIMIZING of ONE’S POTENTIAL is made manifest as ETERNAL LIFE without the possibility of DEATH. INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE gives rise to the transformation of challenge into the ACTUALIZATION of our Conscious Union with G-d. When balanced with REASONING, INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE is a gateway into OMNISCIENCE, yea, it is in the right use of the ALL that ATTAINMENTS are made toward achieving the GOAL. Without a doubt, INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE is destined to aid in the UNFOLDMENT of LIFE without END. 

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Friday, May 25, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION upon the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is NASSO. The term NASSO is an IVRI transliteration that is interpreted into the English word “TAKE.” The portion commences its unfoldment with a continuation of the task of assigning the LEVITE families their predetermined responsibilities and counting them. No doubt this is a revelation that all who undergo the human conscious experience have been given a SUPERNAL PURPOSE that has been predetermined by the HOLY BLESSED ONE of YISRAEL, blessed be His NAME.

The predetermined purpose assigned to ALL who undergo the human conscious experience will fall into one of two categories. Those categories may be termed INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATE. In other words, each person that undergoes the human conscious experience has a specific assignment that is destined to be fulfilled as well as a corporate assignment that is destined to be fulfilled by the family he/she belongs to. These predetermined assignments are destined to aid in the MANIFESTATION of the GOAL of CREATION.

Since the GOAL of CREATION is to become ONE with HASHEM, that is, the realization and actualization of His GLORY, the fulfillment of both INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATE SUPERNAL PURPOSE is in reality a process of uncovering. It is the uncovering of the INDIVIDUAL QUALITIES of ECHAD in a person as well as the CORPORATE QUALITIES of ECHAD that are LATENT within a GROUP. The manifestation of these QUALITIES gives rise to the CREATION of AN ENVIRONMENT that is conducive to LIFE and the unfoldment of ETERNAL LIFE without the possibility of DEATH.

The GOAL of CREATION, which is that MANIFESTATION of an environment conducive to LIFE and the unfoldment of ETERNAL LIFE within the ENVIRONMENT, is a process. The EMET (truth) that ALL who undergo the human conscious experience possesses both SUPERNAL INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATE purposes that are predetermined for achieving the GOAL discloses it to be a process that won’t be denied. Without a doubt, we are in a place where EVOLUTION is taking place. The end result of this EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS is that we shall all manifest as our ABBA, ECHAD, that is ETERNAL LIFE without the possibility of DEATH.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is BAMIDBAR. The IVRI transliteration BAMIDBAR may be interpreted to mean “in the wilderness.” From the perspective of MISHKAHN DAVID, the “wilderness” is indicative of BODY CONSCIOUSNESS that is experienced in SPACE and TIME. To achieve the GOAL of CREATIONS, that is, the realization and actualization of our CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d, one must ascend from BODY CONSCIOUSNESS into what is termed PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. Ascension into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS is the ATTAINMENT of SPIRITUALITY. It is ascension into SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT that gives rise to the manifestation of the GOAL of CREATION. For those who are undergoing the human conscious experience, the GOAL of CREATION is manifested as ETERNAL LIFE without the possibility of METIM (Death). Without a doubt, this goal is what is implied when entertaining the idea of the END of ALL SUFFERING. When the END of ALL SUFFERING is ATTAINED, the predatory activity in creation will cease. The NAVI Isaiah wrote, “The wolf will live with the sheep and the leopard will lie down with the kid and a calf, a lion whelp and a fatling (will walk) together, and a young child will lead them. A cow and bear will graze and their young will lie down together and a lion, like cattle will eat hay. A suckling will play by a viper’s hole and a newly weaned child will stretch his hand toward an adder’s lair.” (Isaiah 11:5-8) In this prophetic utterance, we are given a vision of a world where the predatory consciousness has EVOLVED into PEACE and PRODUCTIVITY. It is further disclosed that a child will lead the animate and speaking KINGDOMS into this state. Without a doubt, the child that is being spoken of is ISRAEL, that is, those who have the revelation of being ONE WITH G-D.

As aforementioned, the revelation of being ONE with G-d is to be both realized and actualized. The actualization of the revelation is spoken of in a MYSTERY contained within the SIDRAH, it is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses and Aaron saying, The Children of Israel shall encamp, each man by his banner according to the insignias of their father’s household, at a distance surrounding the Tent of Meeting shall they encamp.” (Numbers 2:1,2) In this SCENARIO, it is disclosed that instructions were being given from ECHAD on how to build connections between BENEI YISRAEL. The purpose of building the connections is to make the ASCENSION out of BODY CONSCIOUSNESS into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. In other words, they are instructions on how the CORPOREAL can ATTAIN SPIRITUALITY, yea, as previously suggested, the attainment of SPIRITUALITY is what will engender the manifestation of ETERNAL LIFE without the possibility of METIM. The mechanic is simply to tear down the WALLS that are between us and cause them to form bridges. The building of these connection are to be under the management of the KOHANIM (priesthood). Therefore the KOHANIM is appointed to be at the center of the CONSTRUCT. The CONSTRUCT is destined to ascend into SUPERNAL COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS that brings an END TO ALL SUFFERING.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION on the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is BECHUKOTAI. The IVRI transliteration BECHUKOTAI is interpreted to mean “by My decrees.” The portion begins it’s unfoldment with a SCENARIO describing the Miracles of the blessing and the curse.

It was disclosed by the NAVI Moshe that the consideration of the blessing and the curse would effect an awakening in the Jewish people who have been scattered among the nations. It is written, “It will be that when all these things come upon you - the blessing and the curse that I have presented before you - then you will take it to your heart among all the nations where HaShem, your God, has dispersed you, and you will return unto Hashem, your God, and listen to His voice according to everything that I command you today, your and your children, with all your heart and all your soul.” (Deuteronomy 30:1,2) From this prophetic utterance, we are able to discern that the SUFFERINGS experienced by the Jewish people are employed by the Holy Blessed One of Yisrael to aid in our return to a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD as well as to ERETZ YISRAEL.

The return to a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD is destined to effect LIBERATION FROM LIMITATION. The LIBERATION FROM LIMITATION is experienced as the MANIFESTATION of ETERNAL LIFE in the earthen realm. The NAVI Daniel beheld it as a process that has been predetermined to occur during a TIME of GREAT TROUBLE, it is written, “and there will be a time of trouble such as there had never been since there was a nation until that time. But at that time your people will escape, every thing that is found written in this book will occur. Many of those who sleep in the dusty earth will awaken, these for everlasting life…” (Daniel 12:1b,2a) No doubt the prophetic utterance reveals it is the atmosphere of GREAT TROUBLE that will engender the consideration of the Jewish People concerning the blessing and the curse. The contemplation of the consideration are seeds of meditation that give rise to returning to ECHAD in order to cease from SUFFERING. The answer to ceasing from SUFFERING is LIFE filled with BLISS without the possibility of DEATH.

The elimination of DEATH in OLAM (the world) has been predetermined by ECHAD to take place in SPACE and TIME. The NAVI Isaiah wrote, “HaShem, Master of Legions, will make for all the nations on this mountain, a feast of fats, a feast of lees… He will eliminate death forever, and my Lord Hashem/Elohim will erase tears from all faces…” (Isaiah 25:6a,8a) The elimination commences with the Jewish people returning to a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD that will be made manifest in the PHYSICAL REALM. The CONSCIOUS UNION is ATTAINED as the result of ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS where LIBERATION from LIMITATION is ACTUALIZED and the concealed nature of ECHAD that is latent within becomes REVEALED.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence our focus upon the PARASHAT BEHAR by focusing our ATTENTION on the title of the portion. The title of the PARASHAT is BEHAR. The IVRI transliteration BEHAR can be interpreted to mean “on the mount.” The scenario opens up with the idea of Moshe Rebeynu receiving revelations to give to YISRAEL in an elevated consciousness described as “on the mount.” No doubt this is indicative of the principle that our corporeal lives are destined to be managed by the spiritual level of consciousness termed PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. In other words, the maximization of the SUPERNAL POTENTIAL latent within the CORPOREAL is the product of SPIRITUAL MANAGEMENT at the level of body consciousness in concert with what ECHAD has predetermined, yea, what ECHAD has predetermined is found in the SPIRITUAL LEVEL.

The NAVI Isaiah disclosed that the GLORY of G-D made manifest in the EARTH is the result of SUPERNAL KNOWLEDGE, it is written, “The wolf will live with the sheep… They will neither injure nor destroy in all My sacred mountain for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of HaShem as water covering the sea-bed.” (Isaiah 11:6-9) From this passage of NEVIIM, we are able to discern that it is SUPERNAL KNOWLEDGE that will engender the manifestation of the concealed qualities of ECHAD in creation. This reveals that it is the RIGHT USE of THINGS that give rise to revealing the concealed qualities of ECHD that are latent within. The right use that is revealed within the SUPERNAL KNOWLEDGE at the SPIRITUAL LEVEL of consciousness is what leads to the ATTAINMENT of ETERNAL LIFE, that is, LIFE without the possibility of death.

The SIDRAH goes on to reveal that the KNOWLEDGE that engenders that ATTAINMENT of ETERNAL LIFE is the product of a REDEEMER. King Solomon wrote that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, those who love it will eat it’s fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) Yea, it is the words of LIFE that are spoken by a REDEEMER TO those who are in need of LIBERATION from LIMITATION that will effect the unfoldment of ETERNAL LIFE. 

There is within the potential of ETERNAL LIFE latent within all who are undergoing the human conscious experience. This potential is destined to be liberated and those who have been held captive by DEATH shall be set FREE. The prophet wrote concerning this LIBERTY, “He will eliminate death forever, and my Lord HaShem/Elohim will erase tears from all faces…” (Isaiah 25:8) The time is now to chose life that you may live and your offspring. The REDEEMERS have come to effect TRUE LIBERTY.

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Thursday, May 03, 2018

EMOR Part 2

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT EMOR by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage contained within the SIDRAH, it is written, “They shall protect My charge and not bear a sin thereby and die because of it, for they will have desecrated it - I am HaShem, Who sanctifies them.” (Leviticus 22:9) In this scenario, the BRANCH LANGUAGE presents instructions that were given to the KOHANIM on how to safeguard the sanctity of offerings and terumah. From the higher perspective of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, the instructions reveal how to uncover the CONCEALED nature of ECHAD within the ALL, that is, creation. Yea, we have entered into the EVOLUTIONARY STATE, whereas the goal of CREATION is to come into manifestation. The manifestation is what the prophets referred to as “the EARTH being filled with His Glory.” The manifestation of the Glory is the end of all suffering and death.

The NAVI Isaiah was given the CHOCHMAH (wisdom) that disclosed that, in reality, there is nothing but ECHAD. READ ISAIAH 45:5. ECHAD fills all space and time. There are two conditions that ECHAD is experienced as in this state. G-d is either revealed or concealed. As the unfoldment continues, the concealed nature of ECHAD will EVOLVE into that which is revealed. When the unfoldment is complete, the goal of creation will be made manifest experienced as the EARTH being FILLED with His Glory, that is, the end of suffering and death.

Since ECHAD is at the center of ALL CREATION, every created thing possesses the potential to manifest the GLORY. The instructions given in the BRANCH LANGUAGE discloses that those who have ascended into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS are empowered to aid in the unfoldment. The revelation is right use. In other words, everything has a SUPERNAL PURPOSE that is destined to be made manifest at a specific TIME and PLACE in CREATION. The mechanic is to use the created thing in harmony with the purpose given to it by ECHAD. THE RIGHT USE of ALL THINGS will give rise to the manifestation of the CONCEALED NATURE of G-d that is latent within.

On the other hand, it is the abuse, that is, abnormal use, of CREATED THINGS that gives rise to SUFFERING and DEATH. As aforementioned the right management of these CREATED things is the product of ASCENSION into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS as demonstrated by the NAVI Moshe and kept in succession by the KOHANIM.

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