Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

EMOR Part 3

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT EMOR by placing our ATTENTION on the following passage found within the SIDRAH, it is written, “HaShem spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron and his sons, that they shall withdraw from the holies of the Children of Israel - that which they sanctify to Me - so as not to desecrate My holy Name, I am HaShem. Say to them: Throughout your generations, any man from among any of your offspring who shall come near the holies that the Children of Israel may sanctify to HaShem with his contamination upon him - that person shall be cut off from before Me, I am Hashem.” (Leviticus 22:1-3) In this passage of Torah HaShem instructs the NAVI Moshe concerning SAFEGUARDING THE SANCTITY of offerings and terumah. These instructions disclose the NATURE of G-d to possess the quality of MITZUYAM, that is, EXCELLENCE.

The term EXCELLENCE is indicative of the idea that “GOOD IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH IF BETTER IS AVAILABLE.” The NATURE of G-d is one of BESTOWAL. In other words, G-d is the quality of GIVING. He GIVES in order to SATISFY DESIRE. To substantiate this concept. the PSALMIST WROTE, “You (G-d) open Your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Psalm 145:16) The purpose of G-d satisfying the desire of every living thing is to create MOVEMENT. The MOVEMENT is the result of SATISFACTION. In other words, once a DESIRE is satisfied, the nature of the RECEIVER becomes UNCOMFORTABLE creating a DESIRE for something ELSE, it is written, “As the grave and GEHINNOM are not sated, so the eyes of man are not sated.” (Proverbs 27:20) As aforementioned, this quality belonging to the RECEIVER of not being able to experience the complete satisfaction of DESIRE creates a MOVEMENT towards the NATURE of the CREATOR who BESTOWS. The EMET (truth) that G-d is excellent discloses that WHENEVER He satisfies the DESIRE of a RECEIVER, He GIVES HIS BEST. 

The KOHANIM are destined to be a VISIBLE MANIFESTATION of that aspect of G-d that is CONCEALED in the earthen realm. God who may be described as PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, BESTOWS from this STATE. In other words, His giving is absent of CONTAMINATION (TAMEI). Thus to handle the THINGS of G-d, the KOHANIM were instructed to ASCEND into the STATE of PURE SOULS CONSCIOUSNESS to unfold THEIR ADMINISTRATION. To administer the THINGS of G-d in the lower conscious state would give rise to the desecration of G-d’s Name in OLAM (the world). ECHAD is EXCELLENT, His NAME is EXCELLENT and He does EXCELLENT THINGS. The KOHANIM are to be this QUALITY of EXCELLENCE, thus requiring that they would ascend into PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS in which nothing is TAMEI. The ascension of the KOHANIM would make it possible for BENEI YISRAEL to follow suit, the NAVI Hosea declared, “… like people like priest…” (Hosea 4:9) Image created desire. When the IMAGE of G-d is reflected in the KOHANIM, the people want to serve with EXCELLENCE. On the other hand, CORRUPTION in leadership breeds CORRUPTION in the followers. The Jewish People are to be a MANIFESTATION of EXCELLENCE in the WORLD to AID in the unfoldment of the GLORY in its PEOPLE. 

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