Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

EMOR Part 2

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT EMOR by placing our ATTENTION upon the following passage found in the SIDRAH, it is written, “HASHEM spoke to Moses saying: Speak to AARON, saying: Any man of your offspring throughout their generations in whom there will be a blemish shall not come near to offer the food of his God. For any man in whom there is a blemish shall not approach: a man who is blind or lame or whose nose has no bridge, or who has one limb longer than the other; or in whom there will be a broken leg or a broken arm; or who has abnormally long eyebrows, or a membrane on his eye, or a blemish in his eye, or a dry skin eruption, or a moist skin eruption, or has crushed testicles. Any man from among the offspring of Aaron the Kohen who has a blemish shall not approach to offer the fire-offerings of HaShem; he has a blemish - the food of His God he shall not approach to offer.” (Leviticus 21:16-21) In this passage found in TORAH, HaShem instructs Moshe Rebeynu concerning DISQUALIFYING blemishes that may appear within the offspring of AARON, thus making them ineligible to OFFER THE FOOD OF HIS GOD. In other words, these are BLEMISHES that PREVENT the KOHEN from performing SERVICES that give rise to the TRANSFERENCE of PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. The question is, “Does DISQUALIFYING BLEMISHES that APPEAR IN A PRIEST imply that the PRIEST is REJECTED BY G-d?”

In response to this question, we commence by disclosing the PURPOSE of TORAH. The purpose of TORAH is disclosed in the following passage, it is written, “See - I have placed before you today the life and the good, and the death and the evil, that which I command you today, to love HASHEM, your God, to walk in His ways, to observe His commandments, His decrees, and His ordinances; then you will live and you will multiply, and HaShem, your God, will bless you in the Land to which you come, to possess it.” (Deuteronomy 30:15,16) In this disclosure, it is revealed that embodying TORAH gives rise to BIRTHING UNLIMITED POTENTIAL. Thus the INDIVIDUAL or CORPORATE GROUP is empowered to MAXIMIZE their POTENTIAL when embodying the WAYS, COMMANDMENTS, DECREES AND ORDINANCES of ECHAD found in TORAH. The BLEMISHES are revelations suggesting that another APPROACH needs to be taken in MAXIMIZING ONE’S POTENTIAL.

ECHAD is the center of ALL those that undergo the human conscious experience. Because the UPPER FORCES, that is, PURE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS, is present within those who undergo the human conscious experience, the possibility to have life and GOOD, i.e. to MAXIMIZE ONE’S POTENTIAL, is there. The BLEMISHES that APPEAR ON THE PRIEST are not to be a sign of REJECTION, but RATHER an INDICATOR that the RIGHT USE of THINGS will MAXIMIZE his potential. The purpose of the OFFERING OF THE FOOD OF HIS G-d had not CHANGED, but rather the APPLICATION. The KOHEN that had a DISQUALIFYING BLEMISH was instructed to EMPLOY it for HIMSELF, it is written,” The food of his God from the most holy and from the holy may he eat. But he shall not come to the Curtain, and he shall not approach the Altar, for he has a blemish…” (Leviticus 21:22,23a) Obedience to this COMMANDMENT gives rise to the UNFOLDMENT of LIFE and GOOD. In other words, it MAXIMIZES THE POTENTIAL.

The instructions that proceed forth from the UPPER FORCES are not for the PURPOSE of REJECTION, but RATHER a REVELATION that the RIGHT USE of THINGS will give rise to MAXIMIZING ONE’ POTENTIAL.

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