Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION upon the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is VAYECHI. The IVRI transliteration VAYECHI is a term indicative of the word “LIVED.” It is employed to describe the unfoldment of the TIME that our PATRIARCH YAACOB experienced in MITZRAYIM before his transition into the UPPER WORLDS. Without a doubt, his experience was one of EXPANSION. Yea, the GOAL of CREATION is to come into a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d and actualize the UNION into BEING.
CHAYIM  may be perceived from two PERSPECTIVES. Those perspectives unfold either as AGING or SELF-IMPROVEMENT. Both perspectives commence with SUFFERING. AGING is the perpetuation of the SUFFERING, whereas SELF-IMPROVEMENT is purposed to CEASE from SUFFERING. While both approaches will eventually engender the GOAL of CREATION, SELF-IMPROVEMENT as opposed to AGING is like being on FAST-TRACK.

It is evident that the purpose of the CREATOR in allowing CREATION to experience SUFFERING is to aid those who are UNDERGOING the human conscious experience to have a SHARE in the PROCESS. SHARING in the process is what is EXEMPLIFIED in the life of our PATRIARCH YAACOB. His desire not to be buried in MITZRAYIM is indicative of the CONCEPT of making the ASCENSION into the HIGHER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS by undergoing the CORRECTION. The CORRECTION is the pursuit of SELF-IMPROVEMENT through TRANSFORMATION. The TRANSFORMATION is the product of ECHAD changing QUALITIES within YAACOB through the DESIRE for SPIRITUALITY. The DESIRE for SPIRITUALITY is developed by responding to SUFFERING with a DESIRE for the SPIRIT. This response gives rise to both the EXPANSION of the DESIRE for SPIRITUALITY and the response of the SUPERNAL, which is a DESIRE to bestow HIMSELF upon all.

On the other hand, the PROCESS of AGING is an approach whereas the SUFFERING that is experienced is REACTED to. The REACTION is one of a desire for something that is CORPOREAL in nature to relieve the SUFFERING. The nature of the SUPERNAL is to BESTOW CORPOREAL IMAGES in this case, i.e. only temporary SOLUTIONS. These temporary SOLUTIONS are fleeting. The fleeting of these SOLUTIONS give rise to the DEVELOPMENT of a DESIRE for SPIRITUALITY.

As aforementioned both are pathways to reaching the GOAL of CREATION, only one is quicker than the OTHER. The PATH demonstrated by our PATRIARCH YAACOB was one of SELF-IMPROVEMENT which will prove to move at LIGHT SPEED.

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