Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION upon the scenario unfolding the PARASHAT (portion). The narrative begins it’s unfoldment describing the stage that is set in the return of YAACOB to his father’s house. The SIDRA discloses YAACOB sending MALACHIM (messengers) to ESAV to inform him of his return. The message is reacted to with the appearance of force. ESAV assembles 400 men to meet YAACOB. In response to the appearance of force, YAACOB is mindful of the promise made by ECHAD and the blessing he had received.

Upon contemplation, YAACOB seeks to appease ESAV with a tribute. To protect his MISHPACHAH (family), he arranges them in case there is an attempt to destroy, with what he loved the most, last. Once he implements the plan, he is left alone, where he begins to wrestle. He prevails and ATTAINS the name YISRAEL. YAACOB further discloses the experience that he had saying, “… For I have seen the DIVINE face to face yet my life was spared.” Genesis 32:31b No doubt from the ROOT LANGUAGE of TORAH, the revelation of what is implied by the concept “A DIRECT EXPERIENCE with ECHAD” is contained in the narrative.

A direct experience with ECHAD is the revelation that the SOUL is an individual aspect of G-d. The reason it is referred to as a direct experience is that it is above INFERENCE, manifesting as a sensation in the KLI (vessel of reception). The result of the wrestling of YAACOB gave rise to sensing a CONSCIOUS UNION with ECHAD in his physical body. His experience is described as face to face. Since ECHAD has no physical form, the experience can be further described as sensing himself as the CREATOR.

This experience of being one with ECHAD is what is termed ISRA-EL, that is, one who clings to G-d. In clinging, there is a sense of wrestling because the EGO is opposite of ECHAD. The attempt to cling leads to the revelation of ONENESS, yea, it is erroneous perception to believe that the EGO is separated from G-d. The distance between the two may be thought of as degrees, but in a CONSCIOUS UNION, there is no distance.

Once this enlightened STATE termed YISRAEL is attained, the work of LISMA is to begin. This work has to do with establishing the DIRECT EXPERIENCE. The establishment of the DIRECT EXPERIENCE is done through the CORRECTION. The CORRECTION is the transformation of the 613 points in the heart to DIVINE INTENTION. The result thereof is the MIND being fully AWARE, without the experience of FORM, reflecting perfectly ECHAD in the vessel of reception.

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