Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, July 03, 2018


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our ATTENTION upon the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is PINCHAS. PINCHAS is the name of the son of Elazar who is the son of AARON. Unlike the descendants of AARON who are KOHANIM (Priests), the office had not been bestowed upon him. The portion is a continuation of how the office of PRIEST was bestowed upon PINCHAS and his offspring after him.

As aforementioned, the scenario is a continuation of the preceding SIDRAH disclosing SUPERNAL WRATH that had come upon BENEI YISRAEL. YISRAEL had settled in SHITTIM where they began to commit harlotry with the daughters of MOAB. From the perspective of MISHKAHN DAVID, this is indicative of UNCOVERING. In other words, YISRAEL was engaging in a lifestyle that was opposed to the fulfillment of the GOAL of CREATION. To pursue the GOAL of CREATION requires the building of relationships in a community. UNCOVERING opposes the building of relationships because it is based in SELFISHNESS. The building of relationships that give rise to ascension into the corporate consciousness of the UPPER LEVELS requires SELFLESSNESS. SELFLESSNESS is the product of observing the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

The scenario goes on to reveal that there were two leaders that engaged in UNCOVERING in the sight of the entire assembly of BENEI YISRAEL. PNCHAS destroyed the two that had engaged in the folly and was recompensed by the Holy Blessed One of YISRAEL with His convenient of peace (BRIT SHALOM). Without a doubt, the scenario is indicative of a mechanic that can be employed in effecting the CORRECTION.

The CORRECTION gives rise to making attainments in the pursuit of the GOAL of CREATION. The GOAL of CREATION, which is the realization and actualization of our CONSCIOUS union with G-d, manifests as IMMORTALITY. The CORRECTION is the TRANSFORMATION of the 613 points in the heart into the quality of being ONE WITH G-D. The 613 points are descriptive of thought constructs. These constructs are the polarization of opposites that when corrected manifest as IMPROVEMENTS in the physical, emotional, mental and intellectual bodies of those who are undergoing the human conscious experience. PINCHAS represents the zeal that one is to possess in order to effect the ATTAINMENTS in the ascension.

This is to say, that to be effective in the pursuit of the GOAL of CREATION, the zeal of PINCHAS is to be employed in the TRANSFORMATION of the THOUGHT LIFE. In other words, we are destined to pursue those thoughts that oppose the GOAL of CREATION with the idea of eradicating them until we experience peace. PINCHAS is the ensample that leadership is to demonstrate to the protege that gives rise to the ascension of BOTH.

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