Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Friday, July 21, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT MATTOT by placing our ATTENTION on the following passage contained within the SIDRAH, it is written, “Moses said to them, Did you let every female live? Behold! it was they who caused the Children of Israel by the word of Balaam, to commit a betrayal against HaShem regarding the matter of Peor; and the plague occurred in the assembly of HaShem. So now, kill every male among the young children and every woman fit to know a man by lying with a male, you shall kill. But all the young children among the women who have not known lying with a male, you may keep alive for yourselves.” (Numbers 31:15-18) In this passage found in Torah, we are given the TOROT (instructions) that Moshe REBEYNU gave to the commanders of the army after their return from the victory over the Midianites.

The battle with the MIDIANITES is the last warfare that MOSHE REBEYNU would engage before the experience of TRANSITION. From the perspective of reality termed MISHKAHN DAVID, this event is indicative of what occurs on the PATH OF LIFE in which the ACTUALIZATION of a CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d is ATTAINED, yea, by fatih we experience the REALIZATION of being ONE with G-d, by knowledge we actualize the UNION by MANIFESTATION in SPACE and TIME. The actualization of the UNION is the product of TRANSFORMING all 613 desires to receive into DESIRES to bestow. Once the transformation of all desires to receive become desires to give, the INFINITE BLESSING from ECHAD will be given from PURE SOULS CONSCIOUSNESS that will complete the process of ACTUALIZING a Conscious ONENESS with G-d. The TOROT given by MOSEH REBEYNU to the COMMANDERS of the ARMY is indicative of the FINAL PROCESS. The order to kill that which is not in concert with ECHAD is a revelation that there must be a COMPLETE transformation of the DESIRES of this WORLD to becoming that of DESIRES to be ONE with G-d WITHIN. 

The TRANSFORMATION of the DESIRES to being that of being ONE WITH G-d has a twofold effect on INDIVIDUAL who seeks to ascend into the CONSCIOUS UNION with G-d. The effect is that it creates a condition in which the RECEIVER will reflect what is BESTOWED upon back to the CREATOR and the second condition is that the force behind the BESTOWAL of the INFINITE BLESSING is retained by the RECEIVER. The retaining of the FORCE creates within the RECEIVER the same IMPETUS, that is, DESIRE that is within the CREATOR. The combination of the REFLECTED INFINITE BLESSING and the experience of the IMPETUS, that is, DESIRE in the RECEIVER, TRANSFORMS him into ONE who bestows without expectation with the SAME FELLING as the CREATOR. In other words, the RECEIVER becomes One With the BESTOWER (One with G-d). This is the process of the PATH of LIFE that is being described in the SCENARIO of the FINAL BATTLE from the PERSPECTIVE of MISHKAHN DAVID.

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