Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Monday, July 03, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by placing our focus upon the title of the PARASHAT. The title of the PARASHAT is BALAK. BALAK is the son of Zippor, the KING of MOAB. The SCENARIO begins with a VISION that BALAK had received experienced in the CONSCIOUS LEVEL termed by the SAGES as CHOCHMAH. CHOCHMAH is descriptive of WISDOM that is experienced in the HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. It is believed that BALAK who is described as the son of ZIPPOR practiced WITCHCRAFT. This idea is based upon the interpretation of the term ZIPPOR which means BIRD. Thus the idea that BALAK practiced WITCHCRAFT is related to the meaning of ZIPPOR, suggesting that he employed BIRDS to practice the FORBIDDEN. 

On the other hand, KETHUVIM (the scriptures) disclose that DREAMS and VISIONS come from G-d. It is written, “For God speaks once, and sees no need for twice. In a dream, a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falls over people, during slumbers upon the bed, then He uncovers people’s ears and seals their affliction.” (Job 33:14,15) In this passage of KETHUVIM, it is disclosed that DREAMS and VISIONS are DIVINELY ORCHESTRATED. Applying this PRINCIPLE to the experience of BALAK discloses that the VISION he received experienced at the High levels of CONSCIOUSNESS was of G-d. In other words, the choice of going to war with YISRAEL or trying to defeat them by employing a CURSE was predetermined by ECHAD.

Taking into account that ECHAD had predetermined BALAK to RESIST YISRAEL, when viewed from a HIGHER PERSPECTIVE discloses that G-d had created a PROGRAM that would aid YISRAEL in maximizing Its POTENTIAL through a CHALLENGE that He had predetermined for THEM. This presents the idea that the entire UNIVERSE in REALITY is a PROGRM designed to cause the ONE to BECOME MANY and the MANY to MAXIMIZE their potential BECOMING like the ONE. Yea, the PROGRAM is comprised of a SERIES of PREDETERMINED SYSTEMS that give rise to the IMAGE and LIKENESS of ECHAD being made manifest in the UNIVERSE. Viewing it from the PERSPECTIVE resulting from eating of the TREE of the kNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL, which is one of CONTRAST, is experienced as COMPARTMENTALIZATION. When employing COMPARTMENTALIZATION as the PERSPECTIVE of the UNIVERSE, the effect is PAIN and SUFFERING. On the other hand, when viewing the EVENTS from the Higher Perspective, that is, the CAUSE, we observe that the things that are happening are a PROGRAM, that is, a PROCESS whose END is the MAXIMIZING of the POTENTIAL within the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE which is the END of ALL SUFFERING.

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