Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Friday, February 17, 2017

YISRO Part 4

Shalom, Shalom. We continue our focus upon the PARASHAT YISRO by contemplating the PURPOSE of the giving of ESERET HA DEVARIM at MT. SINAI as HASHEM spoke to the NAVI Moshe and BENEI YISRAEL, who was in his SPHERE of AUTHORITY, was to WITNESS.

As aforementioned in the previous writings, there is DIVINE PROTOCOL that must be established so that those who occupy the LOWER LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS can experience communication with G-d. We are in a universe of BECOMING in which G-d who is CONCEALED is destined to be REVEALED. The unfoldment of the CONCEALED aspects of G-d are effected by the movement in SPACE and TIME. MOVEMENT in SPACE and TIME can either give rise to the UNFOLDMENT of the CONCEALED state or the INFOLDMENT of that which is REVEALED. Therefore instructions on the MOVEMENT that will give rise to the UNFOLDMENT of that which is CONCEALED is PARAMOUNT to those who desire to MAXIMIZE their POTENTIAL. No doubt this is the PURPOSE of the GIVING of ESERET HA DEVARIM, that is, that BENEI YISRAEL may MAXIMIZE the POTENTIAL that is LATENT within both on the INDIVIDUAL and CORPORATE LEVELS, yea, in the UNIVERSE of BECOMING everything is destined to move in a direction in which the GLORY of G-d, i.e., His REVEALED STATE, is made manifest.

The ESERET HA DEVARIM discloses that to MAXIMIZE one’s potential or that of a CORPORATE GROUP, MOVEMENT must be in harmony with RESPECT to G-d and those who are undergoing the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. In other words, MOVEMENT must create UNITY. HASHEM is One and we are LIVING in the SEASON in which His NAME is ONE. MOVEMENT towards experiencing ONENESS with the COSMOS is what will engender ASCENSION far beyond TIME and SPACE where there is pure consciousness that when focused upon will transform the SHEAVES of the SOUL into that which will manifest DIVINITY. The MANIFESTATION of the DIVINITY in the HUMAN CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE is TRUTH and IMMORTALITY, yea, we become that which we focus upon.

To keep ESERET HA DEVARIM requires that one maintain focus through the practice of INTROSPECTION. The maintenance of FOCUS will cause the TRUTH of ONE’S BEING to shine brighter and brighter until it begins to manifest in the SHEAVES of the SOUL. Indeed the MYSTIC comes to INSPIRE the people to make this JOURNEY, even as the NAVI MOSHE was instructed to BRING BENEI YISRAEL in His SPHERE of AUTHORITY, that they might receive instructions on how to MAXIMIZE their POTENTIAL.

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