Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Location: United States

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Shalom, Shalom. Our final focus on the PARASHAT BESHALACH is a revelation disclosing the challenges faced by BENEI YISRAEL once liberated from OPPRESSION. As previously suggested, with FREEDOM comes RESPONSIBILITY. Under oppression, challenges are often met by REACTION. REACTION is EGOTISTICAL in nature, thus providing only a TEMPORARY FIX to CHALLENGE thus meriting its return. The challenges faced by BENEI YISRAEL in their NEW FOUND FREEDOM had to do with SURVIVAL. The adversaries that they faced were THIRST and WARFARE.

Although BENEI YISRAEL had been liberated from the OPPRESSION of MITZRAYIM, where they were DEPENDENT upon their OPPRESSORS, the destruction of the YOKE that was upon their NECKS did not give rise to elevating them out of the state of DEPENDENCY. Just as FREEDOM can only be experienced by KNOWING a FREE MAN, the embodiment thereof comes about through KNOWING a FREE MAN, it is written, “And by a prophet HASHEM brought Israel up from EGYPT, and through a prophet they were ‘safeguarded.’” (Hosea 12:14) The safeguarding that is spoken of in this passage is experienced by the LEADING and the TEACHINGS of the NAVI, i.e., THE FREE MAN.

The LEADING and TEACHINGS of the NAVI are destined to aid the PROTEGE in making an ASCENSION. The ASCENSION is elevation from the STATE of DEPENDENCY to INDEPENDENCY and finally INTERDEPENDENCY. In other words, the goal of the NAVI for the PROTEGE is to become like HIM and even BETTER, yea, the attainments of the NAVI are to be done by the PROTEGE and SURPASSED. The NAVI MOSHE stood in an ELEVATED place raising his STAFF where it could be seen by YAHOSHUA and the army of BENEI YISRAEL in the fight against the AMALEKITES, they would prevail. On the other hand, when they were unable to behold the NAVI MOSHE in the STANCE of VICTORY, the AMALEKITES PREVAILED. Indeed the POSTURE of the NAVI MOSHE had a profound EFFECT on BENEI YISRAEL in the STATE of DEPENDENCY. Thus the goal of the NAVI MOSHE was to aid them in ascending out of the STATE of DEPENDENCY into that which He had obtained which was INTERDEPENDENCY. Likewise it must be the goal of LEADERS to DUPLICATE THEMSELVES IN THEIR PROTEGES WITH THE IDEA OF THEM SURPASSING. 

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