Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Saturday, May 01, 2021


Shalom Shalom. In this week’s DEVAR TORAH, we will focus on the PARASHAT EMOR. EMOR is the Hebrew term for say.
•    It begins with the idea of One Pointedness which is concentration on one thought. It has to be established in the mind.
•    We are to make two ALIYOT. One is ascension into the Higher Levels of Consciousness (One with G-d) and the other is to return to the Land of Israel to make G-d true. The way to make the ALIYOT is to stay focused.    
•    This present world is TAATUIM, an illusion. We must be completely free from the illusion. At no time are we to embrace this present world. We are not allowed to mix lifestyles.
•    When all energy is moving in the same direction (One Pointedness), it leads to HA RATZON ELYON or Supreme Will. The energy can’t be divided.    
•    In the Torah portion, the blemishes seen on the priest is the lack of the Light of Wisdom. When the consciousness is not right, the priest can eat the food of G-d, but cannot minister.
•    The Soul is what produces the physical body based on what it feeds on. There is an intelligence in the Soul that creates the body and has the ability to transform it.
•    The level of consciousness that is occupied can be seen. Stay in the High Levels of Consciousness constantly and the blemishes won’t show.
•    There is a standard that must be reached externally in our sphere of authority. The High Level of Consciousness is to be projected, not the blemishes. If the blemishes are projected, the priest cannot minister.
•    Priests are not to mourn because there is no death. After transitioning, the person is born into the awareness of the LAVUSH (spiritual form). What is experienced is the energy body.  
•    If the priest is TAMEI (aware of the ego, being dual), he will give egotistical consciousness. Therefore he is not to minister.
•    The offering is given to the priest in exchange for his High Level of Consciousness. It is not the ministry of words but of consciousness.  
•    Transformation takes place inwardly. Order has to be established. Concern yourself with your own inner arrangement.
•    The residence of the priest is in the Higher Levels of Consciousness. In the homes, the High Level of Consciousness is to be maintained. There should be no challenges - opposing actions, words, thoughts. There should only be support. There needs to be stillness, peacefulness in the home; there is no room for any other consciousness.
•    MAASER and TERUMAH comes in because the High Level of Consciousness is there. It is to be used to support what you are doing, to maintain the High Level of Consciousness. To use it for something else is desecration/abuse.
•    The MAASER and TERUMAH are not to be given to those with low levels of consciousness (ego).  
•    To reach the Goal ACHISHANAH (before time), requires 100% devotion. Assign all things to the Creator. Remove all negativity.

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