Moshe Rebeynu

Neo Hassidic - Letting HASHEM into our lives is what it's all about. We do it through our exuberance in our own ideas and acts in regard to dress, prayer, song, dance, and Torah learning. All this stimulates us to do "The Mitzvot " making this world a better place for ourselves and everyone else, Jewish or not.

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Friday, June 28, 2019


Shalom, Shalom. We commence this DEVAR TORAH by focusing our attention on the opening narrative of the SIDRA. The parashat begins with ECHAD speaking to the NAVI MOSHE concerning the sending forth of a company of men to spy out the Land (ERETZ YISRAEL) that had been predetermined to be the inheritance of BENEI YISRAEL. The company of men were leaders over each tribe. The men were described as being distinguished and heads of BENEI YISRAEL. No doubt, the description is a revelation that they had made a level of ATTAINMENT that gave rise to INSIGHT into SPIRITUALITY.

The root language further discloses a principle in making the ascension into SPIRITUALITY. The disclosure is that the ASCENSION is to be made by a corporate group. This disclosure is based upon the principle that the TRUTH OF BEING is that we are the composition of many SOULS that comprise one SOUL that is termed ADAM RISHON, yea, the abiding of ADAM RISHON in ERETZ YISRAEL is indicative of corporate conscious being the nature of spirituality. Therefore ascension into corporate consciousness is destined to be done by a corporate group.

The narrative continues its unfoldment with the idea of the NAVI MOSHE revealing the SUPERNAL NAME given to HOSHEA BEN NUN. The SUPERNAL NAME of an individual is a revelation of the personality ECHAD is becoming as an individual. The personality is the DIVINE PURPOSE for the becoming. Like the SUPERNAL NAME, the DIVINE PURPOSE is ETERNAL, that is, having no beginning or ending. This EMET reveals that the purpose of the NAVI MOSHE giving HOSHEA the SUPERNAL NAME YAHOSHUA was for preservation in the assignment through receiving from the UPPER LIGHT. The UPPER LIGHT would reveal to him the unlimited potential possessed by BENEI YISRAEL that would give rise to making the ATTAINMENT into ERETZ YISRAEL, that is, SPIRITUALITY.

Likewise, the HOST SOULS who have the corporate purpose of making the SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT will be empowered to do so at the revelation of their SUPERNAL NAMES.

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